The world-wide web has truly brought the world together, smart phones and apps have brought people even closer. Sometimes that can be a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. Have you heard of Periscope? I heard the term Periscope here and there when I was in Miami for Hispanicize, but wasn’t really sure and hadn’t taken the time to figure it out. Let’s be real there are so many apps and so many social media channels now it’s hard to keep up! But as a member of social media I needed to learn about Periscope. Honestly I have mixed feelings about it. Here’s why I love and hate Periscope.
As a blogger and social media enthusiast it’s my job to be in the know to remain relevant. Hello Periscope! As I sit here tonight, it’s late.. I can either watch tv, work on the blog or get on Periscope and spend time there watching endless amounts of videos (you totally loose track of time) and maybe even engage with some friends, celebrities or strangers. Maybe learn something? Maybe share something. Let me get into why I love it!
If you really want to grow your reach beyond the typed word on a blog, it’s all about videos right now. Not just YouTube, Vine and Instagram video I’m saying add in Periscope. It’s what is being blasted all over social media groups. Get your video on! If you really want to reach your audience and get seen by new viewers there’s nothing like real time video that will show the viewers who you really are and what you are about. I love it! I can actually listen to someone and if I’ve ever wondered what they sound like I can hear them, live and in living color. It’s truly genius. I love watching my favorite bloggers and celebrities on Periscope. It’s so much fun asking them questions and when they answer it’s even cooler! Sometimes broadcasts can be too full and you can’t get a question or comment in but you can still watch.
Ok so this is a love/hate for me. I love being personal and meeting new people. The idea of putting myself out there for the whole world is kind of daunting. Depending on if I take the time to “fix” myself up the viewers will see the real me, and you know that’s probably not a bad thing. I’m a real person, not fancy or anything. What you see is what you get with me so in that aspect the viewers can see me and I think it’s great. Like I mentioned in with the engagement, getting up close and personal goes hand in hand. It’s a good thing for a person in social media.
Here’s what I hate about it..
Do I really want anyone to know where I am all the time? No I don’t. Doesn’t anyone remember that little diddy where the criminals were watching and once they realize you aren’t home they go for your home? Maybe I’m a little paranoid, but I think it’s a valid paranoia. 😉 You don’t need to know my exact pinpoint on the map dude.. you don’t.
I think it’s because I’m a mom but the idea of my 8 yr old son logging into Periscope and having a live broadcast without me makes me cringe. If you’ve done a broadcast and are female you’ve had the creeps ask to see your boobs etc. or something else. The nasties are everywhere seriously. A few days ago I logged in and went thru the World icon to see what was going on around the world. I happen to click onto a broadcast. It was two young girls, they had to have been tweens and there was 100 people in their broadcast. No one was leaving hearts or typing anything. They were just watching. And the girls were trying to be cute and quiet because they didn’t want to wake their mom. I was so disgusted and angry. I then thought to myself I’m being just as pervy as these other 99 people I’m getting off of here. But not before I told them they needed to be in bed.. and of course they got attitude with my comment. I should have said more but didn’t. If I could call their mother, I would and tell them to take the app off of their phone. There should be an age limit for using Periscope. But that’s just me.. it could be I’m too strict. There’s my $0.02 cents!
If I can expound on the age thing a little more.. My friend and colleague recently told me while she was “scoping” (yes, it’s already been cut down.. to scoping.) that she realized she had gotten into a gay porn broadcast. She quickly backed out of that broadcast! I think there should be some kind of age limit set to the app or a notice before you start the broadcast. I guess a rating? Sorry that probably negates the whole access the world wide web but that’s my opinion. Gosh I sound like a prude.. #sorrynotsorry LOL
Here’s How I Think It Could be Better
Right now you just log in and browse the titles. If they set up categories you can easily navigate thru the scopes that would benefit you or you’d want to see versus the “hey.. this is what I’m doing.” Not that those aren’t interesting but ya know. Or maybe that’s just my OCD coming thru.. that could be listed as General. LOL
The time zone thing can be tricky if you don’t realize the actual world is on Periscope too. We are waking up and it’s night time across the pond. Just think about it.. But then again it’s cool to see a sunset live and in living color at some exotic location you’ve never been too.
I have only done one broadcast myself. I find it hard to come up with things to talk about. I don’t think it’s fair to just walk about my house and show you the house either. I’m actually hoping to do more YouTube videos and fun weekly chats. I’m a baby stepping blogger I guess and when I go or do something cool I’ll do a live broadcast with Periscope. So if you are on Periscope, please follow me! I’m Candy Po on Periscope and hopefully I’ll start broadcasting soon before the next even cooler social channel pops up. I tell you this is not for the faint of heart!
Periscope is an interesting idea, but they really need to up the video quality. It’s such a drag to try to watch grainy videos.
You know Stacie I always think it’s the person’s phone.. Yes. the video quality is shotty at best.
I’ve been hearing so much about Periscope but haven’t tried it yet!. I don’t mind video taping myself at all but uploading is a pain but this seems way easier!
It’s definitely easier Clair. Only thing is that the broadcasts delete after 24 hours.
I haven’t really decided about how I feel about Periscope. I definitely agree with your viewpoints!
I haven’t tried Periscope yet. I have heard a lot about it though, both good and bad.
I havne’t really gotten into Periscope yet. I just haven’t had the time to really try it out. I will have to and remember all this though.
I have yet to try Periscope. I don’t know why I haven’t yet but I’ve heard such mixed feeling about it from others. I may give it a try but for right now I’m happy with the other busy social media!
This is my first time hearing about Periscope. It sounds interesting I will have to check it out.
I really haven’t delved too far into it yet, but I know I should. I agree that you should have ways to prevent yourself from accidentally landing on things you don’t want to see or aren’t old enough to see.
I haven’t tried Periscope yet, but it seems like everyone else has. Thanks for letting me know more about it before I dive in.
I have never tried Periscope. It sounds so cool. I will have to try it out tonight.
I have yet to sign up or watch a broadcast on Periscope but have been hearing a lot about it. I need to take some time to become acquainted with the system since I feel it is great when attending live demos or events.
I have not signed up for it yet. I decided not to unless it helps with my blog traffic and so far from what I hear it does not help.
These are great points. I don’t want anyone to know where I am all the time either!
Have never used it. But we have used the live broadcast feed on YouTube before!
That’s cool Scott! I didn’t know that was an option on YouTube!
I am yet to try Periscope. I don’t know if I can handle another social media application
My phone is drowning in social media apps Veronica. LOL
I haven’t experimented with Periscope yet. I think the idea is great an I’m sure they’ll keep improving upon it.
I am betting they will too Liz. Let’s see how it evolves.
I’ve actually found Periscope annoying 90% of the time, if I’m being totally honest. Most people I follow just to morally support them, but I genuinely only care about a small percentage of the things people are streaming right now. A lot of people are using it like Snapchat–just to share what they are thinking. For me, I want to see someone’s stream on Periscope to give me an experience from my house–not just to listen to them rant about their life.
I like to randomly go rain hearts on my friends broadcasts Cathy. LOL I agree the aspect of rants aren’t for me either.
This sounds interesting. I have not looked into this yet.
I think Periscope is an extroverts paradise! I haven’t jumped in. Heck, I’ve never even done a vlog so scoping is a stretch for me.
I don’t know Camesha.. I’m an extrovert and feel totally naked on Periscope. LOL
Your negatives are why I don’t use it too!
Have you ever tried Tastemade for your recipe posts?
I have not decided how I feel about Periscope. Much of my feelings are the same as you but I love the engagement with people.
The engagement is incredible that is true Tammi.
Every time a new app is released and the company has a lot of money to spend, they create this huge buzz for their app. So, everyone downloads it and tries it out. It becomes the next big thing. After a while people stop using it because its just one more thing to add and keep up with. I have seen so many apps come and go. Yes, its hot right now. Yes, this company has a lot of money backing it, but what happens when things change or the next cool thing blows in to town? While this app is cool, it won’t ever take place of YouTube and the income which you can earn there.
Isn’t that the truth Chrystal! I hope to start up my YouTube page again in the fall.
I am in love with the platform and I am playing with ways I can add value to my readers, listeners and now viewers… I agree with the categories feedback, I would also like to see a stronger web only presence with added interaction opportunities. Thanks for sharing your insight.
Thanks George! I enjoy your scopes!
I havent even had time to check out periscope. Im going to have to see what this is about.
My friend calls me the Jehovah Witness of Periscope because I am always trying to covert people over (I hope that reference wasnt offense because I wasnt trying to be). I love things about it but my hate is that sometimes people are logging on and off to Periscope becasue they didnt get as many people on the first video so hoping the next go-round people log on. I wish the play back and save video was in a clearer form because its grainy, but other than that…I love it! I wish you could search by hastags too!
LOL Kiwi I love it!! I’m all for trying new things, but Periscope maybe just isn’t for me.. But I’ll try again soon I’m sure.
I haven’t even tried this yet because I have no clue if i need another account to monitor. Too many already.
I’ve been putting off periscope for that exact reason. Location. I worry about folks knowing where I am. Scares me