Yes, I guess it’s finally time to spill the beans on why I started blogging. To be completely honest I’m not sure why I started. Ok maybe I do, now that I think about it.
Rewind to November 2011. Ezra was still an infant and Aramis was in school. What was a girl to do? Sweep! Yeah! Not the house, the internet for sweepstakes! Yes, sweepstakes got me started. Sort of..
As I started to rack in the winnings, I thought to myself – “There’s a lot of great sweepstakes sites to find sweeps, I’d like to share my tips on winning.” I know what you are thinking- “Girl, you just started- how do you have “tips” already!?” But I totally did. Tips that I had picked up from sites and just tips that I learned from other fellow sweepers. That’s right.. we, people that enter sweepstakes are called sweepers! I flipping love it! But seriously tips on one website that could help you win stuff? Tell me where to sign up!
January 2012, The Skeptical Sweeper was born! I decided to start a Blogspot blog to test the waters and see how I liked it. I really enjoyed posting about sweepstakes. So much to learn, so many sites to check the sweeps on and just enjoyed writing. And I was eager to share my new found knowledge with anyone and everyone that was interested.
I was on my way. I never thought, “Oh I want to make a lot of money and see where it goes.” I just wanted to write and see how it went. I originally wanted to be a journalist when I started college and just never finished. So blogging, writing it went hand in hand to me. I notice that I’m starting to write more as I speak; reading this like you and I are having a conversation rather than just an informative essay, you know.
I reached out to two sweepstakes bloggers and made sure it was cool that I’d be posting stuff about their sites.. I know who does that? This nice girl does! They were both cool with it so I referenced their sites a lot. I actually started working for Shannon at SweepstakesMama from the corresponding and me asking questions. I have to say, Shannon has truly been a mentor to me. I have learned so much from her about sweepstakes and blogging, she has truly become a friend for life. Right now the site is on hiatus, she’s enjoying some family time this summer.
So after working with Shannon and doing some good work with TheSkepticalSweeper I decided to make the jump in August 2012 and buy a domain and get serious about blogging.
Fast forward September 7, 2012 and Candypolooza was born. And you know what- I now realize I have three babies well four if you include my husband born in September! September is just a party month for us.. And I realize that my 1 year bloggiversary is just around the corner. I’m so excited I could cry. I’m a big crier too.. did you know that?
In the months since starting to blog I have met some amazing people and had the opportunity to do some amazing things! Sometimes I can’t believe what’s happening and how fortunate I am. I never intended (but was def open) to be a blogger that gets invited to stuff or make money, simply just trying to make this machine work! LOL And I’m loving every minute of it.
I could go on about the wonderful things that blogging has done for me, in this short time and in most cases it’s the little things. This is my space or real estate on the net as it was told to me at my first ever blogging conference, and it’s what I make of it. I’m working hard and enjoying this incredible ride. I don’t plan on getting off anytime soon.
I hope you’ll stick around for more!