I love learning more about people online and off, so when I see one of these lists people like to post on Facebook I always read them. Do I participate? No, not most of the time because I don’t have time.. but I wanted to take time and do one on the blog so you’d learn more about me. “Learn 40 things about your friends and let them learn 40 things about you,” it’s titled.. Feel free to copy and paste into your Facebook status and tag Candypolooza if you do, so I can learn more about you! Time to learn forty odd things about Candypo!
Here goes nothing! LOL
Forty odd things about Candypo
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes! Fantastic on salads!
2. Do you eat red meat? Yes
3. Do you own a gun? No – I don’t but the hubs does
4. What flavor Koolaid? Grape mixed with Lemonade – It was called Purplesaurus Rex! Do you remember it?!
5. What do you think of hot dogs? One of my favorite foods!
6. Do you read food labels? I read them more often than not..
7. What is your favorite movie? Gosh there’s so many.. but if I had to narrow it down.. Wizard of Oz
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do a push-up ? Yes! Last I tried 9 in a row! LOL woo hoo!
10. What’s your favorite jewelry? I love my Alex and Ani bangles but most of all I love my wedding ring!
11. What is your hobby? Watching televison and tweeting!
12. Do you have ADD? Not diagnosed..
13. Do you wear glasses? I sure do
14. What was your favorite cartoon? Mickey Mouse cartoons
15. Name three things you did today? Went to Ezra’s Easter egg hunt, took a shower, ate Chinese food
16. Name three drinks you like? Water, Green Tea and Pepsi
17. Current worries? All kinds of worries.. I’m a mom!
18. Current “hates”? The hubs being gone and the noise in my attic
19. Favorite place to be? Anywhere with my boys
20. How did you bring in the new year? We actually arrived home from Texas 30 minutes before the New Year.. Wild ride!
21. Where would you like to go? On a 7 day Disney Cruise with my lovies
22. Name five people who will do this. Hmm since it’s a blog post, so I’m not sure.. but I might have a prize for two people that do!
23. Do you wear slippers? No I only wear flip flops in the house..
24. What is your favorite color ? Red and black
25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? If I wanna be sassy! And slide around all over the dang bed.. LOL
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Where are you? In my office
28. Would you be a pirate? On a Disney cruise I would! LOL
29. Favorite food? A ll kinds.. I’m a foodie!
30. Favorite soda? Oh shoot..Pepsi, Coke and Pineapple Fanta
31. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
32. What’s in your pockets? No pockets in my jammies tonight!
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My friend Ashley! We have the best and most honest conversations.
34. What’s your favorite animal? Hmm.. not sure..
35. What’s your most recent injury? My foot spur is acting up 🙁
36. How many TVs in your house? 3
37. Worst pain? The foot spur right now..
38. Do you like to dance? Yes
40. Do you enjoy camping? Yes and no.. the sleeping part no.. the fun outdoorsy part – hell yes!
That was fun!! If you share this status on Facebook leave me a comment so I can go check it out. Make sure it’s public so I can double check you posted it and tag @Candypolooza on Facebook. Two readers will get a gift card of some sort! Your personal 40 things status must be shared on Facebook by Monday, April 17th.
Deanna Merritt says
I participate sometimes. I did your though!
Candy says
Woo hoo!! Thanks Deanna!!
Ashley T says
Done and done!
Also bleu cheese? Eww
Dawn Duncan says
DONE!! Were you able to check out my answers? That was fun! Thanx Candypo
Dawn Duncan says
To answer your question: I rarely answer questionnaires like this. Something creepy about some of the questions asked on a few of them. Puts me in the mind of a hacker trying to figure out your password using the Secret Question security measure. The questions on yours were fun and weren’t targeted to things only your closest folks would know. So far, only one of my FB friends has participated, but that’s what I figured! I got a kick out of it!
Amber Cheras says
This sounds like a really fun challenge! I’m going to try and participate in it this weekend thanks for sharing!
Mary West says
I feel the same way about camping, love the fun activities but hate the sleeping part!
Kasey Bean says
The wizard of Oz was my favorite movie growing up