I’m so excited to share that I’ve joined the Directors Panel for DVD.com! You know how much I love movies so this was a wonderful surprise and I’m super happy! As part of the panel, this is also my disclosure: I received a subscription to DVD.com and will be receiving movies in exchange for my participation. Pretty cool right?! I’m stoked! Since you know how much I love movies I plan to leave reviews for the films I watch here and as well as on the site. This is the DVD.com Director weekend movie report 1. I have to add that I receive the Blu ray discs too! It’s safe to say that I really enjoy watching the beautiful quality from a Blu ray disc!
The first set of movies I received was Jason Bourne and Money Monster. I was very excited to start adding to my que and start receiving movies because I love taking some me time to enjoy a new flick! The workweek has gotten busier these days so I save my “movie me time” for the weekends! Here’s my thoughts on Jason Bourne and Money Monster.
Jason Bourne
If you are a fan of the Jason Bourne movies, this is one you cannot miss. It answers a lot of questions and it brings back Nicky Parsons, aka Julia Stiles. I always hoped they’d develop their relationship more.. but ya know. Matt Damon does an amazing job as Jason Bourne, in my opinion he is the 007 of our time.
Money Monster
I wasn’t sure how the movie was going to go to be completely honest. I’m not one to follow Wall Street, but it intrigued me no less. And I love George Clooney and my girl Julia Roberts! Not only did I learn a little on the stocks and bonds, but it had a great amount of suspense and it’s not just about the guy holding the show up. I know.. that’s what I was thinking too! That’s why I was surprised with the ending. And so will you, so make sure to add it to your queue!!
These two films are recently released and if you’ve got the DVD.com side of Netflix you too can get newly released movies at home!
I have never seen Money Monster, but I love ALL of the Jason Bourne movies! Matt Damon is so yummy!
I have NOT checked out DVD.com, but I’m about to! Thanks for the heads up on this.
I have not heard of this until now, but I will check it out. We love to stay home on the weekends and watch movies.
DVD.com sounds pretty awesome. I’ve actually never heard of it before. I’ll have to check it out!
All I can do is look at the pic of Money Monster and wonder how the heck I missed hearing about the movie. I’ll add it to my list of must sees. I missed the latest Jason Bourne movie, but jotted it down as well. Congratulations on your new opportunity. I’ll stop by DVD.com and check it out
I had actually not heard of DVD com until I read your post. It sounds like a great way to see recently released movies without leaving the house!
They sent you some good ones to check out. I’ve been wanting to see these. I have to take a look at DVD.com!
How cool. I had never heard of this before. I will have to check out dvd.com sounds interesting with my love of movies!
We love a good movie night. We may have to try these.
I had not heard of it before now..
Perhaps I have been under a rock but I have not heard of DVD.com…. will be checking out now that I have learned about it. Thanks!
Jason Bourne I saw at the theater. I thought it was pretty good. Money Monster is one that I have wanted to see but have not gotten around to yet. I bet it is good.
I have to check out DVD.com. It does look like it offers something I could really enjoy. The Jason Bourne movies are great. I’ve watched each and everyone of them. I haven’t seen Money Monsters yet, but I am sure I will enjoy it, with George Clooney and Julia Roberts together – awesome!
I’ve not seen either. I’ve heard of the first but not the second. I feel so behind!
I LOVE the Bourne movies. We watch them in our family constantly.
Well, it looks like I’ve got a new movie to watch! I’m always up for trying anything that looks this interesting!
I have not watched either of these movies. I know they are exactly the kind of titles that my husband likes.
What a fun treat to see the new releases. I’d like to see Money Monster, I think!
Whoa didnt know DVD.com exist. it seems like DVDs are almost phasing out so this is a great site to still get your favorite movies.
I love watching movies and shows and it would be nice to have movies lined up for the week or the night. I’m really interested in this! I’m going to check their site out.