Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I was provided access to a 2015 Chevy Suburban for a week. All opinions mentioned are my own.
Welcome to Summer!
It’s time to slow it down and just enjoy the time. No more running here and running there for appointments and practice etc., it’s Summer! Or maybe not right? We started our Summer vacation on May 30th and it’s been non-stop since then. I mean really, did we think we would slow down? The thought was nice right? The way I see it is, as long as we are together! Recently we had the opportunity to spend a week driving a 2015 Chevy Suburban and boy was it Out of the World! Not only was it an awesome vehicle but, we had some pretty amazing times in it too. I’m happy to share with you too! I wish I could say you were going to win a Chevy Suburban, in this post but you aren’t. But here’s something awesome! How about a special break from Chevy for me and you! Chevy wants to give two of my readers a special break”by awarding each a $150 Spa Finder Gift cards! You’ll get to pamper yourself and get a break from everything! I’ll tell you how to win below!
I’m very happy to be a part of the Chevy #SuburbanMom initiative in sharing special moments we experience as moms. Here’s a couple of my favorite experiences while having the Chevy Suburban as being a #SuburbanMom.
My Favorite Moments
As long as my kids are happy, I am happy. While we had the Chevy Suburban my son had one of his classmates ride home from school with us for a play date. He was so excited to share the Chevy Suburban with him and he was quick to show him all of the cool features like the two screen DVD players in the second and third row. I love that I just realize that instead of his friend wearing the wireless headphones -Aramis is.. What a stinker! Anyways, that moment really made this mom happy. Aramis had been asking for a playdate for some time now and we were able to make it happen before the end of the school year. It might not take much to make me smile or give my heart a tug, but seeing my little boy happy to have his friend over makes everything better. I wish we could have had more play dates! It was a joy to see Ezra get so excited to get into the “new car” every time too. One of his favorite features was getting to watch the DVD player and wear the wireless headphones. It was very cute how each time he would hang the head phones on his seat arm for the next time he got into his car seat. Can I just say how easy that made life too? Sometimes I struggle to get Ezra to settle into his car seat. I never struggled with him- that is as long as the DVD player was going. LOL He truly was in heaven in the Chevy Suburban, and he cried like I expected him to when he realized the vehicle was gone.
I also made sure to take advantage and have a special moment for me too. I took my friend Leanne, for a joy ride in the Chevy Suburban! It was fun to just drive around and chat about our day along with how awesome the Chevy Suburban was. I’m not very good at family selfies, but we tried! LOL I’m still working on the selfies! I’ll be posting again to show you more of the vehicle this week. We had a great time exploring and learning the vehicle; we were very impressed by the details put in the 2015 Chevy Suburban.
Before I tell you about how Chevy wants to give you a special break, let me show you how I got a break in the new 2015 Chevy Suburban!
Pictures are worth a thousand words right?! The On Star was AWESOME! Having help at the touch of a button was super helpful. For some reason I didn’t save my son’s school phone number on my phone so using On Star rocked! I loathe having to load local addresses on my phone GPS so using the touch screen Navigation system was fabulous. It gave me plenty of time to make turns too. In the “trunk” space there is a really cool set up that helps keep your groceries propped up and separated. I’m totally the person that has had a watermelon roll onto a loaf of bread. And what can I say about the DVD set up with wireless headphones. Ezra was in heaven and so was mommy because her baby was happy.
As mothers the special moments in our lives with our families are countless: births, firsts, any and all accomplishments our children make etc. And sometimes the most memorable moments could have been the not so good ones too. Or one you’d never think you’d be able to laugh about later. LOL
Do you have one in specific that sticks out as one of those moments?
Here’s how you can enter to win a special break from Chevy!
Share that special moment below in the comments and use the #SuburbanMom hash tag for a chance to win one of two $150 Spa Finder gift cards.
You can enter via:
Leave a comment in the comments section below.
OR Tweet your story to @Candypo using the #SuburbanMom hashtag in your tweet.
OR Instagram a picture of your most memorable day as a Mom and use the caption section to tell your story and include @candyolivares #SuburbanMom in your post!
My twin daughters are complete opposites. One is a social butterfly and the other likes nature, books, and relates more to adults. She finally found a friend in kindergarten that she related to about halfway through the year, and they played together at recess everyday. I was so happy to see that she had a friend. One day as I was tucking her into bed she told me that her friend had moved away and that she was sad she didn’t have any friends. It broke my mommy heart. The rest of the year just wasn’t the same without her little friend. I was recently at a consignment sale when I saw a little boy. I stopped in my tracks realizing it was my daughter’s old friend. Just to be sure, I asked if he had gone to that school. He said no but I was just sure it was him. I began talking to his mom, tears streaming down my face. I was sure she would think I was crazy, crying over her son, but she was the sweetest lady. I told her my story and how my daughter hadn’t had any other friends. She let me take his picture and when I got home I showed it to my daughter who quickly remembered who he was. We’ve exchanged phone numbers and plan to get the kids together soon. I can’t wait to see my daughter reunite with her long-lost friend! #SUBURBANMOM
#SubrubanMom My most memorable mom moment was the birth of my first son. It took us 6 years to have him, fertility treatments, plus half of my pregnancy on bed rest. What a gift the day he was born. Today he turned 9 years old!! Yay!!!
Can’t spell. Lol!
You never forget when your 6 year old son first writes in his journal about a girl that he loved from the first time be saw her, but when he’s proposing to a sixth grader a few months later its enough to give you gray hair! My first grader AJ decided to write a note asking a very pretty 6th grader if she would marry him. In this note he continues by drawing a picture of her in a wedding dress and saving her the trouble of responding by already checking the box yes for her. How did he give her the note you might ask? He solicited help from another 6th grader to pass the note on to her! I’m in trouble.
I’m rounding out the last months of my 3rd pregnancy, and as we get ready and prep for this next birth, it’s hard not to go back and remember our daughter’s crazy entrance into the world. My husband is a former medic (now pilot) in the Army national guard, and I was thankful for that training when our little girl came in quite a hurry. Our hospital was 45 minutes away, and in my labor foggy brain I thought we had more time. Just 1 1/2 hours after contractions woke me up, we found ourselves on the side of the road just outside the Army post gate in the parking lot of a not-so-nice looking car audio shop. Our little girl – now 2 years old – greeted the world quickly with my husband there to deliver her, the small-town Alabama cops excitedly standing off to the side, and me there in the front seat of our chevy Suburban. Honestly, there are worse places we could have been, and with this 3rd baby we will be traveling even further to get to the hospital and midwives I love… knowing we may end up with another Suburban baby. But we’ve done it before, we can do it again, and regardless, I have a pretty awesome moment and story (which I’ve promised not to share too often, lest our daughter get sick of hearing it ;)). #SuburbanMom
#SuburbanMom To me every moment with my kids is special, but seeing my daughter go to her first day of school is something I will always remember. It is exciting but horrifying at the same time, they grow up so fast.
My special moment is a funny one and my most favorite ones, but this one I will never forget. It’s when my Daughter wanted to bake her first cake, with my help of course. Well one day, while in the kitchen I started gathering/preparing all the ingredients for us to bake the cake. To give my daughter a head start as I did that, I gave her a stick of butter and told her to butter the pan. I continued going about gathering the rest of the stuff we needed to bake the cake. At the time also I must mention, my husband was seated at the kitchen table on his laptop and we where deep in conversation, so I was not paying my daughter any attention to what she was doing or how things where coming along, as I knew for sure she could handle a easy task, I assumed she knew what she was doing as she watched me butter a pan before, how hard could that be right? She’s got it for sure I thought so that’s why I just let her be…..Well as I got all the stuff gathered I look over and she hands me the pan, completed buttered, inside and out! The whole pan lathered up. She stood there buttery hands and all, and the whole stick of butter almost gone. My husband & I had quite a laugh. Ever since then, when ever I go to grab a cake pan to bake a cake, I smile & laugh a bit. #SuburbanMom
I’m not a mother, but every hug from my nieces and nephews is special to me!
#SUBURBANMOM. I love doing learning and sensory activities with my kids and daycare kids. It gives you that sneaky its fun and you are learning too feel. Kinda like sneaking vegetables in dishes. I love the looks on their faces when the learn something new and exciting.
#SuburbanMom my most memorable moment was the birth of my second son. I had lost my first one and I was so over joyed to have a happy and healthy baby boy. He is 3 now an a big ball of energy lol
Sleepless nights with a newborn…#SUBURBANMOM
Every moment with my baby is a treasure for me (I work outside of home) #SUBURBANMOM
Having undiagnosed twins on a Sunday after only one Lamaze class, so the other parents-to-be thought we were experts. After having my first kids, the twins, I always felt like a parent and learned how to trust my instincts, hunches and to ask plenty of questions.
That moment when I pick my kids up from preschool and they run to me as if it’s been days since we’ve seen each other #suburbanmom
My Most Special Moment of being a Mother was the moment I became a Mom to my son. #SuburbanMom
#SuburbanMom My most memorable moment was when my son said mama to me for the first time.
One of the most special moments for me was when my daughter was in kindergarten. All year long each of the kids would get a chance to read a story to the class. Every time my daughter was told it was her turn she would say no thank you. On the very last day of school I was in the office volunteering, when there was a call from my daughter’s teacher. She told me I was needed in the room immediately. I ran to the class room and there sitting in front of the class was my daughter reading a story to her classmates. Her teacher had tears in her eyes and said sh knew she could do it when she was ready. It still brings tears to my eyes whenever I think of that day. #SuburbanMom
One of my most recent favorite moments is my baby girl learning to walk. She looks like a drunk baby, and staggers all over the place, but then she has her arms thrown out wide for me to catch her, and she’s just so proud of herself! Love it! #SuburbanMom
My most memorable moment was seeing my daughter’s eyes for the first time.
My best moment was when I found out I was pregnant for the first time! I had just been told I would never have kids, to have a full hysterectomy and began chemotherapy. I stopped treatments, as it was killing off everything good too… and 1 year later, the cancer was gone simply because a change in my diet. I now have 2 amazing and healthy children!
actually, in regards to cars, i was once in a small accident where i hopped the curb and the tires blew. my son will never let me live that down. that’s the funny part of it. #SuburbanMom
I loved your pictures!!!
I took my daughter with me to try on wedding gowns. Her father abandoned us, and a few years later, Superman walked in to our lives. 🙂 They had me try on a sample dress…and it was 2 sizes too small. I got it stuck on me, and we could not get it to go up OR down!!! We were sweaty and frantically trying to get that thing off!!!!
We both collapsed on the floor, and laughed until we cried. We talked about how much life is changed, and how we would always have each other. We talked about how amazing her new “dad” was.
I would love to win and take my now 13 year old daughter out and laugh about that again…and relax.
Thank you for the chance. 🙂
teffgossett at gmail dot com
My son’s first day of kindergarten was very memorable for me. It was great because it was a milestone as his first full day of school & he was very excited but at the same time it was really hard for me for the same reasons. Kindergarten is a lot different from pre-school and it was a lot more emotional for me to send him to the ‘big school’ than just to his half nursery programs. His first day is definitely something I won’t ever forget – he’s growing up so fast. It was hard letting go. I have lots of pictures of that first special day.
I am very fortunate to have two grown healthy children. My oldest is 31 and lives two hours away from me. My youngest is 27 and doesn’t live that far from me. They both work, and have families of their own now. This past Mother’s Day was a very special day for me. My oldest and his wife spent the weekend with me, but my youngest had to work. When I got up on Sunday morning, Mother’s Day, I made my coffee and while everyone was sleeping I went out onto my front porch and sat in the swing. It was such a beautiful peaceful morning. The birds were singing, and that was the only sound I remember hearing. Suddenly, the door opened and my youngest son came out onto the porch with me. I was surprised because he had been at work. He sat with me for about an hour in the swing and we talked, and shared our lives. Then my oldest woke up and came out onto the porch also. We all sat for another hour or so and talked and laughed and just enjoyed the peace and quiet of an awesome country morning. I felt so blessed and special that morning to have both my children in my presence.
#SuburbanMom My favorite memory is going on right now, the kids and Dad are playing the silliest game of charades and I’m sitting here laughing my butt off. I try to live in the present so I’m grabbing this moment.
I would have to say the first time my first son said i love you i was in tears it just meant soo much to me! My heart still melts whenever one of my kids say it. #SuburbanMom
#SUBURBANMOM, My favorite memory will probably be when my son is born in August. But so far my favorite memory was when I got my first ultrasound.
#SUBURBANMOM , My biggest mom memory is getting to see my little one for the first time after 8 hours. We had a not so great birthing experience and that is all I wanted. Seeing his little self for the first time was the FIRST time I felt and knew I was now a mom. It was the single best moment ever.
#SUBURBANMOM My most memerable moment was realizing that I was at long last……a mom!
#suburbanmom my favorite moment/s as a mother of 4 little ones right now, is before bed when we are all snuggled up in bed together reading a story. it is my absolute favorite time of day. {getting them to actually GO to sleep…not so much!} but when we are all together–there is nothing better.
thank you!
[email protected]
I would love to be a #suburbanmom. My hubby is already a #silveradodaddy so I think it is only fair. 🙂
would love to be a #suburbanmom.
#SuburbanMom mine would be June 6th 2014 when we welcomed our second son into the world. We lost our second pregnancy right before we got pregnant with Luke and he was born over a month early so had to spend some time in the nicu. It was the best moment having both my boys together and my husband. I couldn’t be happier to be their momma.
#SuburbanMom I have three wonderful days and each one of those days one of my children was born.
One of my most memorable moments as a #SUBURBANMOM was when my four kids and I were traveling to meet my husband for his father’s funeral. We stopped to spend the night in a hotel because it was snowing and the roads had gotten horrible. Between the stress of the death and driving on icy roads, I was a wreck. I bought the kids some snacks and we headed to our room. My youngest son (13) was eating some gummy candies and held one up saying, “Look, this one is different than all the rest in the box. This is my special candy.” I asked him if I could see his special candy. He handed it to me and I popped it into my mouth with a wicked cackle. The other kids cracked up and soon he was laughing too. We all still talk about his “special candy” and how he can’t trust mom.
So many Most Memorable moments the birth story of each of my three kids is so unique My oldest came 5 weeks early was such a scary time but he was a trooper, my daughter had to be evicted lol she was a week late. My youngest was due by c-section scheduled for a nice time and day. Instead my water breaks the evening before getting stuff at the store for the next day 😉 #suburbanmom.
I would love to win this one for my mom for always being there for me.
My most memorable #SuburbanMom moment was when my granddaughter was at her karate tournament and being so petitte for a 9 year old, the judges put her up against an 8 year old and it was the funniest when the 8 year old girl picked up my granddaughter and hauled her off the mat and at the last second my granddaughters leg was low enough for her to push herself off the mat and the 8 year old ended up touching the floor first and my granddaughter won the match,Yeah Jerzye
Any time my little guy comes up and gives me a kiss or wants to cuddle is super special to me! #suburbanmom
Wow Candy this is a sweet giveaway! Forgive me the pun – I couldn’t resist. 😉 My #SUBURBANMOM moment was a trip my son and I took to San Francisco when he was around eleven. I was the one who spilt the drink on me during the flight, I was also the one who lost the camera. Memories we still laugh about today.
Though there are many memorable moments the ones that stick out most to me are first words. It is amazing to see your pride and joy begin to interact and form opinions of their own.
My best moment was when I had my daughter. It was scarey, but ended up totally wonderful.
I think the best moment was the first time I saw my little boy. It was definitely love at first sight.
Oops, #suburbanmom!
#suburbanmom — My son used to call both my husband and I ‘Dada’ when he was a baby. Every day I’d go in his room to get him up and he’d be so happy to see me that he’d holler ‘Dada’ with a big smile on his face. Though I was pleased with his joy in seeing me, it always made me feel a little jealous that he didn’t call me my name. Then, one morning I walked in his room to get him out of his crib and he looked right at me with big loving eyes and a huge smile and said, ‘Mama!’ My heart melted!
#SuburbanMom I remember when Dixie turned 13!! A teenager! We made it! She was so excited and we got her a super special gift! She deserved it! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you!
I would love to win! Thanks! Happy summer motoring!