Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Gillette Venus. Ok so you know the shirt, “Suns Out, Guns Out” meaning your arms.. well how about Suns Out, Legs Out!! I say yes! We are all yearning for warm weather and thanks to the new Gillette Venus Swirl razor it’s time to welcome the sun and…
Just Me
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Candypo
I always love reading these type of posts on other blogs so I’ve decided to share five things you didn’t know about Candypo. Yes, it’s only five because I didn’t want to over share. 😉 But I’m happy to let you in on a little bit about me. Nothing about my kids, this is about Candy….
Thursday Thoughts
I love doing Thursday Thoughts posts.. I am able to get some thoughts out of my head and put them out into the universe. You know how sometimes that helps right? 🙂 I like to think so at least. First off I have to share with you some exciting news: Yes!! I’m headed to Miami…
SOC Sunday
I follow All Things Fadra on Facebook and noticed her post titled Stream of Consciousness Sunday. I’m setting my timer for five minutes and not editing anything I type. Here goes my first time posting a SOC Sunday. Ok here goes nothing.. I just wiped my hands real quick because I’m eating a Samoa.. You know…
A Few of My Favorite Reds for February
Continuing the trend for February! I’m sharing with you a few of my favorite reds for February and honestly.. every other month during the year! It’s no secret that red is my favorite color, so I quite a few red items in my life. These are a just a few. Two almost daily essentials. My…