Come Party with me at the Ultimate Blog Party 2013!
This is my introduction post for the party so a little about me and my site Candypolooza!
I’m Candy, mother to two boys ages 1 and 6 and a proud Army wife to my husband of almost 13 years. Candypolooza launched in September 2012 and I’ve been having fun, sharing our adventures and learning more about blogging since then!
I participated in the UBP last year with my baby blog that is now no longer- website and learned so much I decided to branch out, buy my domain, settle into a niche, get legit and try to make some money! I am having the time of my life blogging. I have made some incredible friends and it’s just awesome!
Me, Kelley, Emily, Jayne & Jennifer
Blogging friends that are now IRL friends!
I’m her biggest fan! That’s Stacie from Simply Stacie!
Here at Candypolooza I share our adventures as an active duty Army family. I also blog about what matters to me like my family ofcourse: Beauty, Fashion, Food, Health, Fitness, Television and just good ol’ rants- oh and Sweepstakes!! I’m a Sweeper, yo!
My site could be considered a Mom Blog, but more specifically I like to think of it as a Military Family Lifestyle Blog.
And a little bit of everything else.
Super excited to making more friends and reading new blogs as currently I am a huge fan of running blogs. I don’t get to run as often as I’d like so I have to live vicariously thru them.
One of the first ones I started was Skinny Runner! Sarah is an amazing athlete and super nice!
I’m also excited that another friend of mine is joining in the UBP 2013! My dear friend Anjanette from Momma Young at Home is participating! Make sure you go check her out! She’s pretty darn amazing!
I am excited to learn about you now! See ya at the Twitter party and the Google+ Hangout!!
I come for the party ^___*. I like to “meet” new blogger friends. I have two boys too and their ages is almost same with your sons 😀
Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: See you at my blog 😉
From UBP13 nice to meet you. Please tell your husband thank you for serving. Your boys are adorable!
Aw thank you!! He does it because he loves it 🙂 I’m so proud of my husband.
Thank you Candy for the sweet mention 🙂 So glad to have met you 🙂
Your my girl! 🙂 xoxo
Visiting from the UBP to link up and say HI! Hope you have a great day!
Aww that’s so sweet!!
Your boys are adorable! They grow up so quick. My girls are turning 15 and 9 this year.
I’m also an army wife…Canadian army but still an army wife LOL.
No way Stacie! That’s very cool!! Absolutely- you’re def an Army Wife! 🙂 Do you guys move about a lot like we do?
Oh I don’t even want to think about my boys turning 9 let alone 15! Where does the time go? 🙁
Hi! New follower here from UBP13! Your blog is awesome!! I’m a new blogger and hope you come by and follow me at!
Thanks for sharing your story with us and hope you’ve been having fun during the party =0
I am really enjoying it! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Nice to ‘meet’ you!
Stopping by to say hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!
Hi!! I found you on the UBP13 and its my first party, plus I’m a new blogger! You’re blog is awesome! I hope you can come by mine at
Happy blogging and nice to “meet” you!
I’m stopping by from the UBP13. We hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.