If you are a DisneyXD fan I know you’ve seen the commercials already! Disney DuckTales is BACK and there’s a special event happening this weekend! Thanks to Disney I attened the Disney D23Expo in Anaheim last month and the moments were amazing! I’m pumped to share all of the information from our visit with Executive Producer Matt Youngberg and co-producer/Story Editor Francisco Angones, DisneyXD presents DuckTales: interview and premiere event.
The Experience
It was truly an extraordinary experience. We saw the first episode and as I mentioned above, we got to speak with executive producer Matt Youngberg and co-producer/story editor Francisco Angones. Honestly this is one of my favorite things about being a part of these truly magical trips. The interviews. I have to tell you, listening to Matt and Frank it was clear that they wanted to be so careful with this series. I believe it was Frank that said it was a labor of love and as a fan that really meant a lot. While watching the show I didn’t even compare it to the series from my childhood. I watched it with fresh eyes yet, it felt like I was seeing old friends again.
The Modernization of DuckTales
One of the questions that was asked was about modernizing the series. So much has changed from when the original was airing. Matt told us, “I think our approach to that was to just present a world that kids understand and know, but without beating you over the head with it. Like, we didn’t want the characteristic of Louie to be, I have an iPad.” Francisco added, “But if Louie is trying to break into a room, he’s gonna do the same thing that every kid would do, pull out a YouTube video and look up how to do it.” Let me know if you catch some of the modern items in the show! Think tech ok!
The Lin Factor

About DuckTales