Honestly I don’t even know how to start this post. I went to see a sports medicine professional at the base last week and I think my life will never be the same. As a follower of running and health blogs I’ve read posts about foam rolling, but never really thought much about it. My level of training could not compare to these machines women. So I never thought foam rolling was for me. Or there was any reason for me to have this apparatus. I will be foam rolling the knots out and sharing with you too. Ya’ll are so lucky right?! LOL
I met up with the sports medicine professional, I will refer to as Mr. C. During my session with Mr. C, he first evaluated me. How I stood and made some determinations and explanations as to why I am most likely feeling how I’m feeling and why. He hit all the things without me even really telling him. I was blown away at his findings by just looking at me and how past medical diagnosis was probably misdiagnosed due to issues stemming from other issues. He mentioned using Trigger Point Therapy to help alleviate my pain. Shoot just reading that makes me sound like I am all kinds of jacked up, doesn’t it? Could my Fibromyalgia diagnosis also be wrong? You’ll have to stay tuned for that.
He explained foam rolling to me and how it would benefit me if I did it daily overtime. I was amazed and astonished at what the human rolling pin could do for me! As Mr. C showed me each exercise and how it would heal my body. He said that this “Self Healing” would require me to do this daily and I have to take the pain and realize that it’s my body talking to me.
I’m happy to report that I have been rolling on my foam roller every day since Friday and I can tell a difference already. It’s minor but when I’m not crying like a baby during my rolling time that tells me I’m doing the work correctly. I’m still very sore and achy, but the feeling I get after I’m done with a rolling session is amazing. Just as he instructed I am doing each move daily and the warmth felt in my body is welcoming. There are a few exercises I cringe at even the thought of them, but I do them and get through it. I have a long road ahead of me but I know that this is helping so much.
I soaked in a bath of Epsom salt last night for the first time. Yeah, that was new to me.. I’m going to come up with some bath posts for you guys. I’ve heard of great things you can try to detox, relax and hydrate in baths. And I’m going to figure out how NOT to feel like a hippo in a dang baby pool.. LOL
Have you ever used a foam roller?
Products I recommend:
I saw someone use these on Dr. Oz show and have been wanting to try foam rollers every since. Specially for between my shoulder blades.
Totally use the ones at the gym and they feel soooooooooo good 😀
I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award, here is my post: http://www.independentmami.net/2014/01/sunshine-blogger-award.html Have a great day!
I have actually been using a softball as a roller and works great.
That’s a good idea Mandy! I ought to try that too.. I need to start back up again..