The Lion King has always had a special place in my heart. When we were stationed in Tampa, this mama put her baby boy in dance. Yep, you read that right. I had Big A in jazz and ballet. I was thinking big picture people, dance is great for coordination. This boy was going to do big things in all sports, anyhoo. One of the songs they danced to often was, “I Just Can’t Wait to be King,” and it’s made this mommy’s heart flutter every time I’ve heard it since. When I read that we would be getting a preview of Lion Guard Return of the Roar my heart might have skipped a beat. I’m excited to share Disney’s The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Q&A session with Executive Producer Ford Riley, Composer Christopher Willis, Singer/Songwriter Beau Black and Swahili Consultant Sarah Mirza.
I get chills just thinking about Disney’s The Lion Guard!! I’m very excited to watch it with my boys! But don’t think it’s just a “boy show!” Learn about the characters below to understand why!
The Lion Guard team is made up of five animals with special traits: Kion (voiced by Max Charles), the fiercest; Bunga (voiced by Joshua Rush), the bravest; Fuli (Diamond White), the fastest can I add some serious “girl power” too; Beshte (Dusan Brown), the strongest; and Ono (Atticus Shaffer), the keenest of sight. Sounds like a fantastic group right?! They cover all of the traits needed in a super hero group and together they will keep the pride lands safe!
The mighty Lion Guard!
Watch the trailer so you can get excited about watching with your family! The Lion Guard is a 44 minute special airing on November 22nd at 7PM (check your local listings!). In January, The Lion Guard will become a weekly series on Disney Junior!! And get this! If you love the music in the movie, there will be a new song in each episode! I can’t wait to sing along!
After the screening we had the chance to talk with the creators and ask questions about the movie and new season.
Pictured from left to right: Swahili Consultant Sarah Mirza, Singer/Songwriter Beau Black, Ford Riley, and Composer Christopher Willis.
So much planning and creativity went into developing The Lion Guard. Executive Producer Ford Riley explained to us how he came up with the Lion Guard with the help of his then 8 year old son. The Lion Guard was to consist of the best of the best lions in the pride, that are to protect the circle of life in the pride land. One of my favorite things about The Lion Guard is that we will be learning Swahili too! Thanks to Swahili Consultant Sarah Mirza, Swahili phrases were put into the dialogue and they are easy and fun to say! I bet you’ll be saying, “Zuka Zama” before you know it! Here’s a cool list of what you can expect to hear in The Lion Guard!
As a person that loves learning new languages and sharing that love with my children this really made me happy! I hope you are as excited as I am!
We were all very excited to learn more about Disney The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar!
Speaking of roaring.. check out the video myself, Heidi from The Bragging Mommy and Rebecca from RWeThereYetMom got to do some cool roaring of our own!
Disney will donate one dollar up to $25,000 through the Disney Conservation Fund for every ROAR! posted during the week of November 14-22. Last year, The Walt Disney Company directed nearly one million dollars through the Disney Conservation Fund to help protect more than 25 species of African wildlife in 16 countries, and with your help we can continue to help even more animals! So make sure to make a video and share it!
Don’t forget to watch on Sunday, November 22nd! Let’s roar together!!
Disclosure: Disney provided an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles including travel, accommodations and activities. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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