I feel the title of this post is not only appropriate but true. 2016 has been a hard year. It’s been a full of love, excitement and fun but it’s also been filled with lots of sadness. I’m really good at staying positive. Negativity is easy for me to shake off because there is always something to look towards, something to be happy about. But today I say goodbye and good riddance 2016.
I don’t want this to be a total bummer of a post either, because there was so much good in 2016 personally and professionally. In February I started working for DiMe Media. It’s been an incredible eight months and I’m so looking forward to what 2017 will bring. You might have noticed sometimes I don’t post as often as I used to or maybe have posted more since it’s gotten me on a more structured schedule. I had some wonderful travel opporutnities this year too. Remember our adventures on a Disney Cruise, in Tallahassee, Florida, two very cool press trips one in LA with Disney and another in New York with Vocalpoint. 2016 was fantastic when it came to professional growth and I’m so thankful for the amazing opportunities and moments.
Ezra transitioned into Pre-K 4 program and he’s doing so well. The beginning of the school year was really hard but I feel he’s grown so much in the past few months and his teachers have nothing but good things to say about his progress. His speech has improved in leaps and bounds. He’s always talking and I love talking to him; finally knowing what makes him tick. He would get so upset when he couldn’t communicate with us. Speech delay is a real thing and therapy is so important to their growth. I’m so thankful for the Columbia County Special Needs Department.
Aramis is also doing well in fourth grade. We’re so excited that he’ll be trying out fencing in the new year. While he claims “we don’t fit in Georgia,” I’m hopeful the new activities happening at school will make it better for the next year and a half. He’s healthy and asks lot of questions, he’s a learner and has such a big heart, what more can I ask for. My big love.
I don’t really share much on the hubs because he’s busy with work. He’s been in and out a lot this year. I’m sure it’s affected me as well as the boys, but such is the military life right? We do the best we can and live for the moments of having our family together. Family is everything.
Family is truly everything and this year my family lost someone very special this year. My uncle, my mom’s brother died unexpectedly in September. He was my favorite uncle, really besides my maternal grandmother the only other family we always visit when we go home. My maternal grandfather died a few years ago and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of papa. My uncle’s passing really hits home when we come home. I think of him often when we aren’t home too though. I wouldn’t call him often but we texted from time to time and Facebooked. Never again will I see him sitting outside grilling or listening to music. It’s still too soon to begin to process and I blame not living here on it really setting in that he’s no longer with us. I can’t imagine the heartache and sadness my aunt and cousins must feel not having him here. He was a very special person and was loved by many.
My hope is that we gain more than we loose in 2017. At times I’ve felt like an obituary section when I share the deaths of celebrities and entertainers on Facebook. Sure they aren’t family or I didn’t know them in person but they meant something to me or you at a moment in time. And not to mention the turmoil our country has been in this year. “Can’t we all just get along?” Let’s work to make a better life for all. Let’s work to save lives, because all lives matter.
So I’m closing the door on 2016 and opening it with hope and joy on January 1, 2017. As I mentioned above the look and feel of Candypolooza is one of positivity and fun. That will continue the last remaining days of 2016 and onto 2017. Because it can only get better.
If you lost someone this year I’m sending you a tight virtual hug and I say to you, “we can do this!” Onward and upward my friends.
good bye 2016, you took too much from us
I’m right there with you, closing the door on 2016 and ready to start fresh and have a much better 2017.
Here is to a wonderful 2017. We all can use it for sure! 🙂