I really love to cook. I’ve noticed that after a pcs, (move) I get a little lazy or uninspired with my cooking. I’m hoping this move is different. (*Update it has been ok.) I’ve never had a garden, but my parents did last year and they grew peppers! I understand peppers grow pretty well, so if you are planting peppers expect a bounty! You’ll have green chiles to throw in the air. I love getting the green peppers in my Bountiful Basket. So since I started getting the baskets in San Angelo I started to cook with the peppers too. Today I’m going to share with you how to sweat peppers! Once you sweat the peppers you can pretty much add them to anything and enjoy!
It’s a very easy process that you can do a couple different ways, but my grandmother told me to try it this way and I’ve done it this way since!
If you have a griddle, iron skillet or comal pull it out. That’s what’s gonna heat up the peppers and give them the burned or charred skin. I call it “burning,” so burn the pepper on all sides. And place them all in a plastic bag. Use a gallon sized bag so they all fit nicely. You don’t want to cram them into a sandwich or quart sized bag. If you don’t have a bag, I’m sure you could do this in a plastic container also. But the bag is how mama told me how to do it.. so that’s how I do it. 😉
Once you’ve got them all in the bag, let the peppers sweat themselves in the plastic bag for a few minutes.
Wait about five minutes and then begin to pull the outer charred skin of each pepper. The top layer of the pepper is jelly-like at this point until you remove the outer shell completely. After you’ve removed all of the out burnt skin it’s time to de-seed and chop up to add into your burger patties or whatever you want to make the chiles with. You can put the chilies and the seeds (if you want it spicier) into a blender and you have green chile salsa! Add salt, pepper and garlic to taste and about a teaspoon of vinegar to preserve it. If not continue on to make burgers!
Let’s Make Green Chile Burgers!
Make sure your ground meat is thawed completely so you can mold the meat and add your chilies. You can add as many or as little chiles to each patty. This will give the burger a smokey taste. You know I’m a punk when it comes to spice and these were just right! Not too bland and not too spicy.
You can use any type of ground meat: Beef, buffalo, or turkey. I made ours with ground beef. Add salt and pepper to taste and a couple splashes of Worcestershire sauce. Make a ball with the patty and cut it in half to add the peppers to the middle of the patty. Cook as normal and when you flip, flip carefully.
This looks delicious! Will def have to make it thanks!
Thanks Amy! It’s one of our favorite burgers.
green pepperburgers reminds me of aunt those are good.