One of the things that the hubs and I share a love for (besides our kids and each other obviously LOL) are journals. I remember taking him to the Renaissance Festival in east Texas, for the first time back in 1999 or maybe even 2000 after we were married and he purchased a black leather journal. I asked him what he was going to do with it and he said maybe write in it. “Maybe” I thought, well ok then. I think he still has it and I’m not sure that he’s even written in it. But it’s a beautiful black leather journal and I would totally write in it now.

These are just the ones on my desk..
I enjoy writing and I remember as a child always wanting a diary. You know the ones with the actual lock on them? Yes, I really wanted one of them and I think I might have gotten one but for some reason or another it lost it’s luster and nothing was ever really written in it or am making this up? Who knows. I have the worst memory these days so I’ve taken up journaling again. Hence the reason for this post. 😉 I’ve always loved doodling and just writing and I’ve grown quite a collection of journals that I receive from campaigns or conferences. I’m embarrassed to admit that I write in them all.. Not necessary anything of substance but just say jotting down notes about something I’m working on or actual events of the day. Ok, so that might be of substance but it’s just a daily reminder of what we did type thing. Anything funny the kids might have said etc.
Taking the time to write in a journal can be calming after a busy day or a nice way to break up a stressful situation. Whether you want to write about what’s going on as a journal or you want to change your thoughts and write about something else that is on your mind. A busy mind can definitely be stressful without all of the rest of what’s going on. Trust me on that!
You have to try different things to see what works for you. This works for me and I hope that if you are having problems making time for yourself that you try writing or just doodling.
Tell me how do you decompress or relax?