Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Ford. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Latinos and Proud Watch Latinos Americans on PBS
#latinosford #latinospbs
Did you watch last week? Last Tuesday the second part of three Latinos Americans series aired, were you a part of the tweeting? I sure was! Latinos Americans series on PBS left me so happy and full of respect for the Latinos that made sacrifices for our country. As part of Hispanic Heritage month Latinos Americans, a three-part, six-hour series documenting the history and experiences of Latinos, who have helped to shape North America over the last 500 years. The episode titled War and Peace was so poignant with our Military affiliation and all. The stories of Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, Medal of Honor recipient and Marine Guy Gabaldon.
If you missed the first two episodes watch the final part tonight on PBS. Thanks to The Ford Motor Company, for providing corporate funding for this series. Ford has been one of the longest standing partners of the Hispanic community, and is one of the most respected brands of Latinos of all walks of life because of their multi-faceted and on-going commitment to our community. I’m a huge Ford fan and so is my family. My father owned a Ford Ranger most of my childhood.
Tonight the episodes titled “Pride and Prejudice” (1965-1980) and “Peril and Promise” (1980-2000) will air. Follow @fordespanol and @PBS on Twitter tonight as we tweet using the hashtags #latinosford #latinospbs while viewing. Last week @fordespanol was so active and engaging with our tweets. It was very impressive and touching. As part of Hispanic Heritage month our stories, the stories of our ancestors are being shared with the world. The stories of how Latinos shaped this country and how we too, made marks in the history of the great United States.
“Pride and Prejudice,” will get into the lat 1960’s and tell the story of the “Chicano Movement.” The word “Chicano” has always been a part of my vocabulary. My father calls himself, “Chicano”. I love it and am so excited to watch tonight. He was not an activist, but identified with the term, “chicano”. I’ll be learning more about my culture tonight as I did last week.
In the second hour, “Peril and Promise” a span of the past 30 years will feature the rest of our Latino brothers and sisters, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans, Guatemalans that have had to leave their countries due to civil wards all while making a mark on our nation and evolving the story of Latinos here in America. Current legislation issues, such as immigration and undocumented immigrants will be noted in the program as well as “English Only” laws will be in the show. Latinos have definitely made their mark on American culture. We too have provided to shape this country in hopes that Latinos also have the chance at the “American Dream.” Watch the final chapter of Latinos Americans tonight. “It’s a a story of immigration and renovation, and the anguish and celebration that Hispanics have faced to achieve a better life for themselves and their families.” Because in the end that’s all we really want to do too for ourselves and for our children.
My boys and my niece Desedi
Make sure to follow along in the conversation using #latinosPBS #latinosford hashtags. Yours truly will be a part of the chatter tonight during the final series part of the show aired tonight. I’m excited to share the knowledge with my oldest, Aramis. My husband and I will definitely view together. We love this kind of television programming
Latino Americans program airs on PBS tonight, October 1st from 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. (EST).
If you prefer to view in Spanish, LATINO AMERICANS will be on Vme TV this Friday at 10 pm EST, through October 25. For your local listings, please visit www.vmetv.com.
Make sure and “Like” Ford en Espanol on Facebook
I loved watching all the episodes and learned a lot!! My husband is Caucasian and I had him watch the third episode. I mainly wanted him to learn about cesar chavez and dolores huerta. I was born in CA and my parents and grandparents worked the fields there. Thankfully he really liked it.
Right! The show was so informative and really neat. I’m so glad I got to watch it. You should see the first two episodes. The second segment was titled War and Peace. It was really neat to learn about Latino efforts in the war.