Disclosure: I was provided family accommodations and park entry during our time at Schlitterbahn, however all opinions stated are my very own.
Last week we went on vacation! Did you notice? There were a few crickets around here wasn’t there? We got to visit family, hang out with friends and had a wonderful time. What could have been the cherry to top off our wonderful time on leave? It was our visit to Schlitterbahn water park and resort in New Braunfels, Texas. As resort guests we had an amazing visit and I know that I can say the Resort guests are loving summer at Schlitterbahn too!
Have you ever been to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, Texas? It’s pretty AMAZING! Schlitterbahn is listed as one of the top water parks in the world! That’s right, the world. Any travel show we have ever caught on television has listed Schlitterbahn as a top rated water park, and I’m so excited we were able to go and have the full experience as a family.
We stayed in the Riverbend Cabins again on the eastern side of the park, like we did during Spring Break. Check out the Schlitterbahn park map.
Did you know Schlitterbahn offers evening activities for Schlitterbahn Resort guests?!
Yes they do!
It’s amazing to be able to stay on location and have access to the park and it’s evening activities and amenities!
We highly recommend it!
Every evening starting at 7pm, Resort guests can enjoy a Scavenger Hunt, Smore’s by campfire and an outdoor movie!
We enjoyed Frozen that evening. I really loved the atmosphere of the evening. The sun was going down there was a delicious breeze and you could tell everyone was just relaxing and enjoying the evening from hanging at the park all day. Each guest receives two smore’s each, and popcorn was served available for each guest for free and there was also pizza for sale.
I absolutely loved the outdoor movie area. It was simple and perfect. Can I just say the playlist we enjoyed prior to the showing of the movie was beyond awesome! Way to go Terri! It was so chill I even Vine’d it!
Yes, it was very chill and it was wonderful. If you are ever a resort guest at Schlitterbahn New Braunfels, I highly recommend attending the evening activities. It’ll be a great way to transition from the day at the park to a restful evening. Complete bliss!
Along with the planned evening activities there is a swing set, corn hole games and hula hoops everyone can enjoy. I cannot express the feeling of community and relaxation hanging out in the common outdoor area. Truly a great way to end the day.
Resort guests are truly put first at Schlitterbahn New Braunfels. Everyone is so nice and helpful, makes you not want to leave. The hubs actually says to me at one point, “I’d love to retire here,” – not in New Braunfels, but at Schlitterbahn! He’s so cute. LOL We’ll have to look into being Winter Texans after he retires. Or get season passes for the summer season.
We really loved our time there and hated to leave. But all good things have to come to an end right?
Look for more posts to come about our adventures at Schlitterbahn New Braunfes water park!
Have you ever been to a Schlitterbahn water park?
What do comment on what the favorite water ride was, the evening sounds like fun. I have Water World in Denver area that is a top water park, but no rooms to stay at in the evening.
If you’ve ever been to a Schlitterbahn water park. We used to have a Water World in Houston, but we never got to go. Thanks ghost you rock!!