May is a special month for a lot of people. I was thinking this morning that not only is it Mother’s Day this week, it’s Military Spouse Appreciation Day on Friday and if you are Mexican, we celebrate our mami’s on Friday as well. Those aren’t the only days to celebrate this month though. Check out the rest of the holidays to celebrate this month. Get your calendars out!
May 5- Cinco de Mayo Enjoy a Margarita on Mexico’s win in the Battle of Puebla back in 1862.
May 5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week – Bring on the daily gifts for your child’s teachers. I used to work at a school and they actually gave parents a list of potential gifts they could send in for teachers. That’s a fabulous idea!
May 5-9 Nurse’s Appreciation Week – Holla to all of those special people this week! Nurses are amazing people! I once saw a Nurse wearing a pin that said, “It takes a special person to be a Nurse.” I couldn’t agree more. If you work in a Medical office, don’t forget your Nurses this week!! -Don’t forget to send a little something on Wednesday for your School Nurse ok!!
May 9 Celebrate your Military Spouse. Wife or Husband, we all do the same thing in making the house a home and you aren’t forgotten!
May 9 Feliz Dia de las Madres en Mexico – In Mexico, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the Friday before Mother’s Day Sunday. So, si eres mama mexicana you get double the love. 🙂
May 11 Happy Mother’s Day
May 15 Police Memorial Day Honor the fallen in the line of Duty.
May 17 Armed Forces Day Honor all branches of living Service Members.
May 19-23 National Police Week Show the men and women of Law Enforcement some love this week! Every time I see a Law Enforcement official whether good or bad, I always tell them to be safe. It might not mean anything to them, but I think it’s important to let them know we care. It’s a tough job and they truly put their life on the line daily.
May 26th Memorial Day
It’s also my husband and I 18th anniversary of being together on Memorial Weekend. Crazy! Right? Best years of my life have been with this man. I love him so.
What a busy month of celebrations and honor, right? Make sure to note the days important to you so you don’t miss them.
On top of all the end of the school year activities! No wonder May is so busy! Thanks for the dates, chic!