Meditation has countless benefits. If you’ve ever read an article about sleeping better, reducing stress, looking after yourself or even lowering blood pressure, mediation was bound to be listed as one of the things that could help you. Meditation, even for a few minutes each day, can drastically reduce your stress levels and improve your mental health. It can help you to clear your mind, but also to spot solutions to your problems, or to put them into perspective. Meditation can help you to control anxiety and reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders like phobias and panic attacks. It can help to improve your emotional health, making it easier to connect with and express how you are feeling. Meditation can help you to be more self-aware, to understand, and even to love yourself. It can also improve your memory, help you to focus and lengthen your concentration and attention span.

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But, knowing the benefits of meditation doesn’t make it easy. If you’ve never done it, you might imagine yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor with your eyes closed, chanting. The idea of clearing your mind might seem completely impossible, and you might have absolutely no idea how to start. You might feel silly even at the thought of it. But, meditation doesn’t have to be hard, or stupid. It can be enjoyable.
You Can Do it Anywhere
To start with, you might find it easier to meditate on your own in a quiet room. But, with practice, you can do it anywhere. Practice a little meditation each day, choosing a quiet time when you are on your own and have nothing on your to-do list. Soon, you’ll be able to clear your mind on a busy bus surrounded by people. You won’t need to make time to meditate. You’ll be able to fit it into your regular routine.
It Will Get Easier
Most people feel stupid when they first start to meditate. Clearing your mind can be much harder than you might think, and you might find yourself becoming tense at your inability to stop thinking. But, as with most things, practice makes perfect. Don’t worry if your mind isn’t clear; just try your best to push negative thoughts away. It will get easier in time.
You Don’t Need Anything
You might find it easier to meditate with accessories. Buddhist prayer beads can give you something to focus on, helping to clear your mind. A yoga mat can keep you comfortable, and a playlist of soothing sounds can be comforting. But, you don’t need any of these things. Try things out until you find what works for you.
Don’t Try Too Hard
If you struggle to sit and clear your mind, stop trying. Trying too hard can increase tension and make things harder. So, try practicing yoga instead. Give your body something to do, and your mind might sort itself out.
Try to Find a Routine
With practice, you’ll be meditating whenever you need to, no matter what you are doing. But, to begin with, finding a routine can help. We’re creatures of habit, and we get used to things. Meditate before bed, or first thing in the morning and your mind will soon start to expect it.