Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Item was received to facilitate review, however all opinions are my very own. Giveaway prize distribution will be fulfilled by sponsor.
Have I told you that my boys are HUGE Peanuts fans? Charlie Brown and the gang are familiar faces and friends in our household. Snoopy has been a permanent fixture in our lives for many, many years. I am thinking about it now, and when Big A was a baby we had this awesome warm fleece snow-suit type onesie that was white and had a super cute picture of snoopy embroidered on it. What a cutie! Big A and Snoopy! LOL Very excited to bring you the Peanuts: Emmy® Honored Collection DVD Review & Giveaway! One lucky winner that shares in our love of everything Peanuts will win this DVD set.
You know it’s special when Snoopy is wearing a top hat right?! That beagle is one smart doggy! With each of the eleven specials it’s hard to choose a favorite. Big A loved the You’re a Good Sport, Charlie Brown episode. Little E loved Life is a Circus, Charlie Brown episode. The hubs and I couldn’t make up our mind between It’s Magic, Charlie Brown and You’re the Greatest, Charlie Brown. It truly makes me very happy that these collections are given a update and put out so that Peanuts can be enjoyed for generations to come.
It’s Snoopy and Charlie Brown at their very best with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s (WBHE) release of Peanuts: Emmy® Honored Collection, available in stores September 15, 2015. This must-own collection brings together 11 beloved Peanuts specials that have been brilliantly remastered in all-new 4K Ultra HD transfers to DVD. Each of the featured specials has earned an Emmy® Award nomination or won an Emmy® Award. Peanuts: Emmy® Honored Collection will retail for $26.99 SRP.
Two-Disc Collection Features Over Four Hours of Peanuts Specials
I love Marcie because she is always so nice and calls Peppermint Patty “Sir” all the time!
My favorite Peanuts character is Snoopy he just cracks me up I love how he decorates his dog house for Christmas.
My daughter and I love Snoopy because he’s a dog and we love dogs!
I like Schroeder. He just plays piano. I like Beethoven, too.
My favorite character is Lucy.
My favorite character is Snoopy because he always makes me smile.
I love PigPen… I don’t know why! I’ve always just thought he was funny.
Oh, definitely Linus. He’s such a cutie pie!
Snoopy and Woodstock are my favorites simply b/c they’re adorable
I love Snoopy. I like his personality. He’s quirky!
Snoopy!!! love that dog
My favorite Peanuts character is Snoopy!
I’ve always liked Schroeder – my old piano teacher had covered her wall with Peanuts strips featuring Schroeder and Lucy, and that was my first introduction to Peanuts.
I love Snoopy. He is so funny to watch.
Snoopy for sure. So much nostalgia with all those characters.
Linus is my favorite because I have a little boy that carries his blankie around, too.
Peppermint Patty!
My favorite Peanuts character is Snoopy! He’s so cute and funny! I really enjoyed watching this show as a kid and I love being able to watch it with my kids!
Snoopy through and through, we adore him.
Linus is my fave because he has wisdom beyond his years
I’ve always loved Snoopy because I adore dogs!
Snoopy is my favorite Peanuts character because he’s super cute and makes me laugh.
Charlie Brown is my favorite. Good ol Chuck!
I love the clips with Schroeder in them. I like how he’s always trying to play beautiful things but nobody lets him. I always tell my kids He (they) was much happier doing his own thing his way. The Christmas clip is a big fav of mine when Lucy keeps telling him he’s playing the wrong song. 🙂
I like Woodstock.
I like Lucy because she is spunky !
I love Peanuts
I love Charlie Brown! He is lovable and he tries so hard to kick that football. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Snoopy is my favorite character.
I love Woodstock. He’s bit of a klutz, flying upside down and in loops. I’m a bit like that.
My favorite character is Snoopy because he always makes me happy.
I always liked Snoopy because I am a dog lover
Snoopy, because he’s a Super Cool dog!!
Linus is my favorite character because he reminds me of my youngest son.
Lucy because that’s my granddaughter’s name!
Snoopy, what’s not to love? He’s the World War 1 fighting ace!
Mine has always been Charlie Brown…because that is my name!
Snoppy! He is just so funny!
Charlie Brown has been my fave since childhood!
Pig Pen…. he just is who he is, he doesnt care.
Lucy because she’s mischievous and is always tangling with Charlie Brown.
I am a huge fan of Snoopy because we have a doggy too! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win! My son would be so excited. Julie [email protected]
I love Snoopy! He is so funny and I love it when he is the Red Baron.
My favorite is Linus: We both have our Woobies, his is a blue blanket, mine is a blue sweater that I never leave home without it. Even in the Hot Texas Weather! lol Just never know when I might get cold, and plus its comforting just like Linus blanket 🙂
Snoppy because he is as cool as a cucumber
Woodstock is my favorite because he’s always around to help out Snoopy!
I love Lucy!! She’s a total B*tch but she knows what she wants and she gets it!! She’s just adorable!! It’s totally cute how she loves Schroeder too!! I like Woodstock too…he’s just a total cutie!!
Snoopy the kids just love him and how many people have names their dog after him too.