The hubs is currently away at Warrant Officer Candidate School, WOCS at Fort Rucker, Alabama. I decided not to disclose that he was gone before because of personal security and all.. you know PERSEC. Love those military acronyms! He actually left back in July and it’s just been the boys and me for a summer of fun! Oh yes, it’s been loads of fun!
I’m writing this post to tell you about a wonderful Facebook group I am a part of. It has helped uplift my spirit while my honey has been away and if your spouse is headed to WOCS you’ll want in on this group as well!
Ft Rucker WOCS Families
A wonderful spouse created a group strictly for families, spouses and girlfriend/boyfriends of candidates attending the Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, Alabama. If you aren’t a spouse or family member you won’t be granted access to the group. I was lucky enough to find the group around week two and a half of the hubs time there. She has posted pictures and shared generic information, no names or in-depth info on how our candidates are doing. It’s been nice to catch glimpses of the hubs. I just wanted to cry when I saw the first picture of him! And to be honest I didn’t even see his face, he had his hand on his forehead looking down but I knew it was him. Tears of joy people! It’s the little things, right?
The course itself is not long, it can run five to seven weeks. The time away has felt like he’s back in basic training though. We get minimal phone time maybe once or twice a week and of course, he’s not here. And yes, their phones get taken up. It’s not like I can text him and he’ll answer. I text him pictures during the week so when he does get his phone he can see pictures. We miss him but know this will be wonderful for his career and that he will excel at this position within his field.
Your Support is Important
Is your spouse headed to WOCS or considering putting in his or her packet in? Encourage them to do it. I can’t stress how much your support helps your soldier. Once your spouse has his or her date and heads out WOCS, join the group so you’ll be in the know of what’s going on and get to know the other spouses. You may or may not get to meet them or be stationed with them at your next duty station but it helps to have a group you can submit questions to.
The land of “WO” is different, I am told. I’m not in the know at all, but you know I’ll ask questions if I need an answer.
Do we have any Warrant families in the house?? I have questions! 🙂
Dina Farmer says
Nope we don’t have Warrant Officers in the Air Force. I wish I could offer suggestions but I have none. 🙁
Candy Olivares says
Thanks Dina! Please share the post if you don’t mind. 🙂
Rhonda says
Just found your blog. Yes, my husband is a Marine veteran and was promoted to WO in 1989. It is a big deal and an honor to be a WO. Congratulations to your husband. I have to warn you, officer wives are different from enlisted wives.
Candy says
Hi Rhonda! Thanks for checking out my blog! You know I have a feeling when we return to “big” Army I will really notice that. We’ve been at AF bases for 5 years now.. I’m going to make the best of it and stay positive. 🙂
Anna says
Hey, my boyfriend is currently working to submit his packet for Warrant Officer. I am wondering if you have any good resources I could connect with. I find myself in a weird situation because we are currently in a LDR and trying to find ways to get to the same location, while this is going on. My boyfriend is also National Guard instead of full-time inlisted, and combining that with the fact we are not married yet, makes it difficult to find resources for myself for support. I would love any suggestions.
Candy says
Hi Anna! Yes, being only a girlfriend makes it hard bc he’s not receiving any additional pay to help support you. He should connect with the Chief (Warrant Officer) out of his National Guard unit and go from there. We were long distance for 3 years, if anything it will really help with how well you both communicate and talk about things. Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] if you have any other questions. All the best!