Did you watch it last night? I sure did!
It’s definitely a show that I’ll be looking forward to watching again. As many of you know I do enjoy entering a sweepstakes here and there. I’m not up in the big leagues like these ladies, but I get mine in daily. Their wins are amazing too! Did you see Karen G.’s car? I wouldn’t want to sell it either. I’m so glad she didn’t have to!
I really enjoyed each of their perspectives and of their families.. (Acting??- just saying..maybe one family in particular..) Are you thinking it was staged? What are your thoughts? I’m sure the show was shot over a period of time- but for sweepers in those leagues the wins really do roll in everyday! For people that don’t enter sweepstakes, it’s hard to believe that packages (and I’m talking multiples packages people!) come in daily. Ask my neighbors! Hahaha LOL No- it comes and goes for me. But I tell you what- it’s an awesome hobby if you keep at it.
Best sweepstakes website ever! I love SweepstakesMama.com!
It’s a damn good site if I say so myself. LOL I’ve won off of it 🙂
Since hanging with Shannon Shulte and friends my life has changed for the better!! I love being a sweeper!!
I just started sweeping and I’m having a good time. I’m keeping my fingers, toes, arms, legs, & eyes crossed for a win! As far as the show goes, I enjoyed watching it but I don’t have the time to dedicate to sweeping like they do. The family who took their daughter’s gift cards annoyed me. They may have been staged I think. Thank you for opening my eyes to the world of sweeping & twitter partying.
Yadira I’m super excited for your wins so far! It only gets better!! Keep sweeping! 🙂
I was one of the families and yes it was staged, the wins were 100 percent real, but they left out all the fun stuff, the life outside of sweeping. A fun time that I will never forget.
I bet it was a fun time! Thanks for your comment Berner!! 🙂 Congrats on your wins! I don’t get to sweep as much anymore. I miss it!