Being Apart Being apart sucks. Not necessarily being a part from my husband if it’s deployed or TDY, it sucks being away from family and friends back home. As I sit here watching The Real Housewives of Miami {I know, I know.. stay with me.. 😉} and seeing Lea going to visit, enjoying her visit…
Army family
Tommy’s Alive Day 5k Run
We were stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina with Jennifer and her family. I’m so happy to be able to share their story with you and how you can help give back to our warriors. This is Jennifer’s account and personal story with her husband Tommy. The journey for our non profit began 5 years…
So Long Summer
So Long Summer Wow it’s really over. So long Summer! It’s now September, ok the second day to be exact..I took a day off for the Labor Day holiday 😉 This month is very exciting for our home. The fun begins on September 7th with my blogiversary! Yes, can you believe Candypolooza has finally hit…
Letting Go
Tomorrow I’ll be letting go of my little man’s hand yet again as he starts 1st grade. I know it’s first grade and I should be ok with it and I am in a way. On the other hand I keep asking myself where has the time gone? From the time I was pregnant and…
Sight Seeing Saturday
Sight Seeing Saturday I love to sight see and explore with my family! Even before the hubs came back into the Army, I loved dragging him to different places. I hope to start writing up more posts like this one so you can virtually go where we have been. That way, if you’ve ever wondered,”Is…