As the years go by you have noticed a distinct change in your style. Although it’s taken you a while to master your personal tastes, you quite enjoy shopping for new outfits and ensembles. Whether you’re trying to master the smart casual look or you always struggle with your day to day workwear, there will…
Are Tieks Worth It?
Yes, I am being that little voice in your head trying to convince you on why you need a pair of Tieks! Funny right? If you know about Tieks, you are probably thinking, “I know why lady!” Tieks are beautiful Italian leather ballet flats that once you try them, you will wonder, how you’ve lived…
Monroe and Main Review & Giveaway #MMSpring
Disclosure: This is a Fashionista Event Opportunity, and is hosted by Still Blonde after all these YEARS and Modly Chic. I LOVE Fashion. I might not do many posts with me in cute outfits of the day, but fashion has been a passion for a very long time. I used to watch runway shows online and I could tell…
A Few of My Favorite Reds for February
Continuing the trend for February! I’m sharing with you a few of my favorite reds for February and honestly.. every other month during the year! It’s no secret that red is my favorite color, so I quite a few red items in my life. These are a just a few. Two almost daily essentials. My…
Beauty Tips from the Pros at #GurusDeBelleza & Giveaway#ad
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Discovery Familia. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Everyone has their own individual style, mine seems to change on a daily basis or depending on my mood. I’ve always wanted to get tips from a stylist to maximize my current wardrobe. I…