Oh my word ya’ll.. Yes. This totally happened that one time I realized Justin Guarini was Lil’ Sweet! Runner-up from the first season of American Idol is totally Diet Dr Pepper’s Lil’ Sweet! The hubs and I have been laughing and loving this ad campaign by Diet Dr Pepper! It’s absolute GOLD! One thing we didn’t realize the first 500 times we have seen the videos is that he’s noted in each of the videos. It says Justin Guarini! Look closely and you’ll see it on the bottom right hand side of the video. There are few commercials that rock our world like this one has. Well done Diet Dr Pepper! Well done!
Of course I have posted both commercials in this post for your viewing pleasure.
Ok.. how the heck did he open both cans while both hands were full?! LOL
Because if you need afternoon ideas for something sweet when you are at work. . here ya go.. “I’m thirsty too!”
I am not going to lie, I have to change the channel every time one of these commercials comes on. Sorry. I had no idea it was Justin Guarini, although it’s been so long since the american idol thing, I don’t even know if I would have recognized him.
I like the commercials they are cute. I didn’t know that Lil’ Sweet was Justin Guarini.
I learned something new today! Thank you. Now I’m so thirsty for a cold Dr. Pepper.
I need more Lil’ Sweet in my life. I really hope they make more of these commercials.
Oh wow, I totally didn’t realize it was him! That’s so cool.
I did not know that was him. Love the commercials.
I love diet Dr. Pepper and this makes it look extra good! Would be perfect for this hot day!
I was an avid watcher of American Idol for years, which is thanks in part to Justin. It is great to see him still doing something he enjoys.
I don’t even know who this person is 🙁 I am so out of the loop but glad you realized and were happy to catch on. 🙂
I have seen these comercials a bunch of times. I had no idea it was Justin Guarini. I love Diet Dr Pepper.
Interesting commercials. I honestly do not like the taste of Dr. pepper, plus I don’t drink any soda. My BF on the other hand, should buy stocks in Dr Pepper because of how much he drinks
I have no idea who Justin Guarini is but I like when I get a commercial that I like. Glad you have one you like.
Dr. Pepper is one of my favorite drinks!
I don’t have cable, just Netflix so I haven’t seen this before. I wasn’t a fan of Justin or AI… So I’m not too sure who he is!
When these first started, I didn’t pay much attention but from day one my husband would crack up and say, “Get it, lil sweet!” We’re at the point now that we both crack up when it comes on. He reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow
I don’t have cable so I had no idea Justin Guarini was in a television commercial. I know he did some broadway with Kelly Clarkson shortly after their season of Idol ended and then he got mixed up in some crud. It was a long time before he appeared again.
One of my brothers is a Dr Pepper fan. It’s always fun to see who’s going to appear in commercials next.
I didn’t know it was him, either! These commercials are so funny!
I would never have picked up on that, but then I never got into American Idol. I do love those commercials though, they are so funny!
I noticed right away it was Justin! Maybe its because I rooted for him in American Idol Season 1!
lol i had no idea that wa him . well he looks better minu that hideous outfit. cute commerical
Right Rana! I totally didn’t either! LOL