It’s been awhile since I did a Thursday Thoughts and you know I actually have a lot on my mind. Nothing crazy.. But I’m going to share with you because I feel it’s good to get things out and hopefully that will help me.
I’m sad ya’ll, I’ve got the Fibromyalgia blues.
Normally I can shake it but this time has been a little different. There’s no reason for me to be sad or depressed, I don’t think. Life cannot be any better. My family is healthy and happy and life is just good. But I’ve also been super tired and just want to sleep. That’s not normal. We joke about being half cat because we can sleep so much.. but I have changed up my schedule a little and started waking up early versus staying up all night. Trying something different.
Thanks to Erin & Krista I’ve started working out again. Definitely taking it slow, because I know myself, (I like to go balls to the wall and then crash). But it’s still wearing on me. Maybe that’s why.. Either way I’m pushing myself with the working out and attempting to get on a schedule. One of the things about weight-loss is getting enough sleep. You know this girl is always up late..
I plan on going to the doctor too. Once the boys go back to school, as a matter of fact I’m making an appointment today. It will probably be for the first part of August. That’s probably how far out the appointments are.. Do I have any opposition if the doctor recommends meds? No I don’t. I’ve actually taken meds for anxiety/depression before, gosh over 10 years ago. Cray right? I was only on them for a few months. I didn’t like the way they made me feel. And I’m also going to look into counseling. It’s always therapeutic to write and but I also know it’s good to talk things out. I’m looking forward to it.
I always do my best to be positive and share joy, I am the Official Fun Coordinator and all! But you know that I’m also human and I want to share what’s going on with me. That way you have an idea of why I’m here and there sometimes. Have you noticed I’ve slowed down on posting some? Yeah.. 🙁 This turned into a bit of a ramble, but it’s my process and I look forward to feeling great and being happy again! Let’s have some fun, I’m tired of feeling like Sadness from Inside Out! LOL
Oh girl, please let me know if you ever want to do lunch or something. I know I’m only here for a bit longer – but if I can help, let me know!