Hello Thursday! I’ve been thinking about you lately! Honestly I always think of something I want to share on my Thursday Thoughts post and I just forget or don’t have time to share.. What a bummer! Well not this week! Here we go, here’s what’s been on my mind lately!
-On Sunday I was very excited about the season finale and ending of HBO’s True Blood. What could I expect? What will happen to Bill Compton. Honestly as I was watching, I just kept thinking.. this is it? I was truly disappointed.. I hate how everyone I love was killed off and Eric was wearing way too much clothes and got really cheesy. I was more ready for the show to end and than I thought. Moving on..
Here’s some of my thoughts while I was driving…
-Driving back home there are a few intersections with maybe one street light.. I’m always so nervous when I cross those.
-I didn’t get dressed up for my drive, I didn’t even put on make-up <- that right there never happens. Not sure what took over me. But I was thinking maybe if anyone noticed they’d think I was a local and not just a woman driving across the south alone.. I’m nuts I know it. But I made it.. all in one piece.. Thank you God! 😉
-On the way back we drove thru New Orleans.. as I crossed Lake Pontchartrain I was surprised how murky the air smelled.. Yes, it totally stunk. And I’m curious why- if you know tell me in the comments!
-Can anyone see me singing my little heart out? Do I look crazy? (Don’t answer that! LOL)
-Seriously Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are separated? I was kinda bummed when I heard this. I had high hopes MC.. I really did..
-I guess Beyonce and Jay-Z are still together.. At least that’s what they want us to think – Thank you VMA’s..
-I just admitted to watching the VMA’s.. I should add I didn’t know who half the artists were 🙁 Oldie Fail! LOL
-I need to get my ass in gear with working out.. Ezra starts back to school next week and I’m starting up the Fitness posts again ya’ll. I saw a picture of myself the other day and was like, “Who the hell is that? I wore the same outfit, but there’s no way that’s me!” It totally was and I’m totally done being this big 🙁 and I’m gonna start running again! There’s a half happening in 2015 baby! Oh yeah it’s happening.. I’m saying it now!
-Are you following me on Facebook? I shared an intimate thought the other day.. I seem to still feel like I’ve got another big trip coming up. Like driving home again or something like that.. With school being in session obviously I’m not going anywhere.. I guess since I was gone pretty much all summer, I’ve got the itch to keep going? It’s nuts, I’m afraid to buy produce because it could spoil. I’ll get past this people. SMH
-I’m dying to do one of those painting classes with my girlfriend! Hoping to schedule one for soon. Have you ever done one? Seriously, I’m not leaving San Angelo until I do!
Well I guess that’s enough into my twisted mind.. for this week. I’ll be back on the ball with sharing what I’m thinking and I’m excited to share some fun posts in October in the spirit of Halloween. Look for Freak Out Fridays! You’ll be learning what freaks me out. Oh yeah, interesting stuff. 🙂 I can laugh at my silliness so you can totally laugh with me.
Hope you have a fabulous Thursday!!
What’s on your mind today?
LOL I was kind of sad about Mariah and Nick, too. I LOVE Nick Cannon and I thought they might last longer – they seemed so solid.
Ah, I love me some True Blood! I’m a few seasons behind, I need to catch up. Glad you had a safe trip!
OMG Lake Pontchartrain is SO smelly. I thought the same thing when I drove over it, too.
I noticed that Lake Pontchartrain was pretty smelly too! I wonder why that is?
Getting things done! That is what is on my mind today!!
I want to do a painting class with my girlfriends as well. Sadly, there isn’t any place near me that offers it 🙁
Boo Deb! Maybe you can make a day trip out of it with your friend to a city that has them!
Been grocery shopping. Have to take out a National Debt to buy food.
Right now the biggest thing on my mind is vacation! Yay!
I hope you have a great vacay Liz!!
I harbor very low hopes for most celebrity marriages. It must be tough to stay married when you are attractive, apart a lot for work, and in the public eye. Also, Mariah is more than a little high maintenance.
Right.. it has to be really hard..
Right now, I’m trying really hard to keep my pooch feeling good. He’s in kidney failure, and I’m doing everything I can to keep him comfortable and keep him going.
Aww I’m so sorry Ben! 🙁
Right now, I think the better question is what isn’t on my mind? It’s going in about a thousand directions right now.
Well this is our first week of homeschool. So I am happy it’s Thursday – the week’s almost over.
True Blood was SO disappointing! I felt like the whole last season was pretty bad, honestly.
I keep hearing from people that True Blood was disappointing. I’ve watched since the beginning, up until the beginning of the second to last season. I just couldn’t stay interested since then.
We love to sing on road trips. IT’s like a tradition LOL!
Gotta love road trips. I’m so busy right now things are so hectic!
I have so much on my mind today. I have to reorganize my house after a week long of moving it all around. Its frustrating
I’ve never seen True Blood, not sure it would be my type of show!!!! I wasn’t sad about Mariah and Nick – I think I was more shocked it didn’t happen sooner!
I want to take a painting class too. Or a pottery class. Something creative
I’m 1.5 episodes behind on True Blood. I have to finish it before I read something on social media or something and it spoils it for me. I had a very fabulous Thursday and now it’s Friday. So far so good. Have a great weekend.
I’ve been into vampires since I was about 9 or so. Going on 30 years. It’s so weird to me to see them so mainstream now but I do enjoy it. I have watched True Blood since the beginning and the show always drove me nuts. The storyline would get stupid and then get good again only to be dumb again. I have not watched all of this season yet (thank goodness for HBO to Go) because its back to just being so silly.
I have not watched True Blood but a lot of my friends do. Glad you had a safe trip.
we don’t have hbo this season and i haven’t seen ANY of the last season. *tears*
Driving to Baltimore…we leave for Germany tomorrow..going to miss my family and buddies 🙁
I still watch the VMAs! So much hilarious entertainment there 😉
Right now my mind is on the long weekend we have coming up here in Canada!
I need to get in gear and workout too! Trying to get things caught up and organized is on my mind as usual.
Now I am really curious as to why the lake stank! I was in NOLA in May and didn’t smell it, and we were right there next to it at our hotel. I hate smelly bodies of water!
Hmm..That’s wild Jenn.. I mean my windows weren’t even down.. that’s how bad it stunk..
I didn’t watch the VMAs. Sad to miss it!
Thanks for sharing your collection of thoughts. I share some of those too. I saw a snippet of Bey and Jay-Z and they seemed pretty awkward to me. I am not surprised by MC and Nick…..that was a weird union to begin with
I’m trying to sort through my thoughts that have happened over the past few days… Really looking forward to this long, and hopefully relaxing weekend!
Well, there’s a lot going on in your brain! It’s interesting to get inside your head.
I just moved into my new home so i have had a lot on my mind. I am about to close on my old house so that will be one less thing to worry about.
Your produce purchasing aversion cracks me up! Maybe it is a sign that you need to go away for a weekend?
Funny! I wondered why the air smelt murky…I wanna know now too! I also want to try one of those painting classes too. My bestie has a birthday coming up. Maybe we’ll go.
The biggest thing on my mind is getting ready for a work trip– how is it fall already?