I missed last week.. not because I have been thoughtless but because those clothes were in my way.. Here’s what been on my mind lately – it’s my Thursday Thoughts!
-Terrible Twos…(equals two years worth).. ok so Ezra turned three a little shy of a month already. I was told today that the terrible twos extend into the threes and it’s actually two years worth of crazy behavior. Wonderful.. Not that I imagined he’d wake up the day after he turned three a completely different child but let’s just say I think he still thinks he’s two. Someone please inform this child..
-Television.. oh how I love the! But I have to admit that I’m watching less and less these days. These past couple of weeks have been killers when it comes to having extra curricular and other stuff going on. I don’t think I’ve watched anything “LIVE” in two weeks. You know this makes my heart hurt, I love my tv. I’m going to try to do better. I think if I can watch Thursday night tv live I’ll be winning at tv watching. Here’s hoping tonight is a good night!
-Sweepstakes.. Ugh can I just complain here for a sec? I wanna win something. I know, I know.. you know the whole -“You can’t win if you don’t enter” bit is true.. Are you entering sweepstakes? I haven’t even bought a lotto ticket here lately? But honestly I only buy them when we travel..
-LinkedIn.. Are you on LinkedIn.. it’s said to be the Facebook for professionals. You can share all of your business background etc. It’s pretty cool. I don’t use it enough I’m sure, but it’s ok. So when you receive a person that is interested in connecting with you, you get an email and it says, “Hey so and so wants to connect with you.” And me being me, I’m like, “Nooo I don’t even know you.. Who are you?!” Obviously I’m going to connect with folks I know or know of thru the blogging world right. And some of the profiles don’t even have pictures.. which makes me think, “Freaky! No thank you!” Are you on LinkedIn? Let’s connect?!! 😉
-My Hair. Not going to lie it’s a bit of a hot mess right now.. I washed it a few days after the hair cut and it looked super cute because the girl straightened it and all. I look like Mexican Annie right now. Hells no I’m not posting a picture.. All I know is I need a keratin treatment stat!
Well I think I need to start writing down my thoughts more.. I am loosing my mind here lately. But hopefully it will get better from now on. It can only get better right? Yes, I think so.
Ooh wait.. So if you follow me on Instagram you saw what the boys are dressing up as for Halloween.. Umm hmm..Go Go Power Rangers!!
I’m super excited I ordered a Pink Ranger shirt for me to wear! I mentioned it to Aramis this afternoon and he was so excited! He fist pumped and exclaimed, “We are gonna be the Power Ranger Family!! I can’t wait!!
Are you dressing up for Halloween?? Spill it!! What are you dressing up as!?
I’ve got #RedRanger protection! Lol #powerangers #boymom Ready for #Halloween and every day in between!
So, my son will be a Red Power Ranger too, and I love your Mexican Annie comment, lol! But I’m sure your hair will feel more yourself later, I always feel weird the first week or so after I cut it short!
Oh girl those dang Power Rangers! LOL You know I straightened it tonight and I think it’s already grown!! Or maybe bc it felt so short when it was all curly.. I can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks my friend!! xoxo
I am not dressing up for Halloween, but I will be dressing up earlier for Trunk or Treat. Some friends and I will be decorating my car with the theme, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” and we are all dressing as one of the Peanuts gang! 🙂
OMG that’s gonna be so much fun!!! I wanna see pics! 😉