I will probably write a lot of these posts, as homage to my friends that are leaving.. or when we leave. It sucks, but with the Army there is always a time to say good-bye or I should actually say “See you later.” Does it make me sad? Absolutely! I have cried many times when it comes to saying good-bye. Hell, I cry every time we drive off from visiting our family. Shall I say, it’s just the nature of the beast. The beast that is the Army.
I cried when leaving my friend Jesse and her girls and Nichole and her boys, Lauren and Aiden, when we left Ft. Bragg. Cried again when our time was up in MacDill. I had more local friends at that duty station, I think somehow I psyched myself out thinking, “We will be back! My sister lives here!! I’ll see these folks again!” I’ve not gone back since we left a over a year ago. I do hope to go in the summer though. It’s really happening. And thankfully the friend I did make on post, Krista is still there so I will see her again and I’ll get to meet her daughter! After years of paperwork they adopted a beautiful little girl from Europe. My other friend Lisa isn’t there anymore, I’m not sure when I’ll get to see her again.
And now it’s time to say good-bye to my dear friends Wendy and Melissa. In Tampa I was the one to leave so, this hurts a little worse. We are due to be here two more years and it’s just not going to be the same without these ladies. Sad thing is that a few more will be leaving in a few months. Utter Sadness! This was such a wonderful group of women here at this FRG. Yep you read that right! We have an amazing dynamic in this FRG. No drama, everyone gets along and just women that are there for each other. Those are few and far between, if you are Army and have been a part of FRG you will agree.
I’m thankful that I had the time with my friends. Honestly I love each of those ladies so much and each of them at every duty station has helped me grow in different ways and opened my eyes to different things. All the amazing conversations, I have honestly learned so much about things I never even knew about. I love it! And I know I’m a better person for it.
Thankfully we are all, (well almost all of us) are on social media and we connect often. But it’s just not the same! Either way I’ll take what I can get right 🙂
Do you get close to the ladies at your duty stations? Or do you rather stay away to avoid everything?
This post is going picture-less.. I don’t really like to use stock pictures and I don’t cry so pretty.. LOL That’s why there’s no picture.
Hi Candy,
I’m so sorry that you have to say goodbye to friends yet again. I’m sending you virtual supportive hugs. Bless you and all military Families for all you give and sacrifice.
I loved the series Army Wives and I thought it gave a pretty accurate portrayal. I cried right along as people left, changes in assisgment, e.t.c. And now that series is over. :'(
I am glad to hear that you’re all trying to keep in touch via social media. I agree though, not quite the same. Love your blog Candy. Very inspirational. Keep up the excellent work!
Hi Monica!
Aww thank you!! You are too sweet. It’s really hard to see friends leave. I’ve got another friend leaving on Thursday and another in a couple weeks.. Tough month 🙁
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment!! I really appreciate you for reading!!