Disclosure: This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I received product free of charge, but all opinions are 100% mine.
I remember thinking after I found out I was pregnant what was I going to do for the baby when he/she arrived. During my first pregnancy I just remember wondering what it would be like. To have a tiny little being in my arms and for it to be all mine. A first time mom moving away from family was a scary thought, but I had faith that I would do the very best I could and always do #BetterforBaby. Thanks to Pamper’s I’ve got great news to share with you and a few ways to win! Keep reading!
The wonderful BetterforBaby initiative by Pampers really makes you think. What would you do to be better for baby? Now that my eldest is 8 years old and my youngest 3, I can think of a few things to help new moms in doing better for baby!
- If someone offers to help, let them! You can do it all, but you might be running on a half empty tank. Let your friends and family come over and help with extra chores around the house or just watch the baby while you shower! *You’ll thank me later!
- Take the extra time and enjoy the moments. There have been times when I’m in a rush and missed the cute little face or sound my little men made and I hate it. So take it from me.. enjoy those sweet baby noises!
- This is personal and of course it’s up to you, but if you have a chance wear your baby!! I know it’s not just the crunchy mama’s out there wearing their children. I totes wore Big A and loved every minute of it! I didn’t get to wear Little E much because it was so hot in Florida. But if I had the chance I held him. That bond of being so close is really nice and cuts down on fussiness too! Win-win!
- Video and take photos every moment you can! I’m not saying share it on social media every single time.. You might get blasted like that one poor woman did for over sharing. But save some of those pictures and videos for just you and your family. Those moments will last forever and you’ll find yourself up late one night crying while you watch those videos. Oh ok.. maybe that was just me. LOL
Speaking of videos, Pampers made an awesome video. Grab a tissue, you will cry! You know I did! I hope you enjoy the Better For Baby video as much as I did! Such sweet tender moments shared between mother and child during those late night hours when it’s just the two of you. Definitely moments to cherish!
Click here for video —> http://bit.ly/1d1vb8h
If your children are older I know that video took you back. If you are expecting, just wait for this moment! You might be a complete zombie from the lack of sleep but it’s so worth it. Always keeping our babies in mind, thanks Pampers!
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”600px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Enter the current giveaway to win an Apple watch HERE! tweet a #BetterForBaby pledge during the campaign using #Better4Baby and #B4BDivas along with a link to the video to enter to win an Apple Watch worth $750! Contest ends July 15th[/dropshadowbox]
Join us for a Pampers #BetterForBaby Twitter Party on Wednesday, July 8th from 9-10pm EST as we discuss how to make like #BetterForBaby!
Prizes include:
- Pampers Diapers and Pampers Wipes
- Magic Bullet Baby Bullet Baby Care System
- PUR Baby White Vertical Faucet Mount and Filters
- $100 TOMS GC
- GRAND PRIZE: $300 VISA Gift Card
One winner will win a Pampers prize pack that includes:
- Pampers Swaddlers and Wipes ($15)
- Magic Bullet Baby Bullet Baby Care System ($60) – To make your own baby food
- Spring Floral Scarf ($20) – From a company that gives percentage of proceeds to build orphanages in India
- NALGENE Reusable BPA Free water bottle ($7)
I make life better for my baby by giving him love and care and by always being there for him
follow you on instagram as elena1509
I always tried to buy organic foods for my babies and soft clean clothing.
Spend more time with my baby and make unforgettable memories for a lifetime !!
I can definitely make life #BetterForBaby by saving as much water as possible and by donating some food and clothes. Also spending some quality time with our kids each day makes a huge difference in their future.
I follow you on Instagram:
Spend as much time as you can having fun with your kids. Skip cleaning the house for a weekend and take the kids out for a fun day at the zoo, movies or hiking.
I take the time to savor all those precious little moments
I’m always looking for best way to love my kids and enjoy many fun experience with them also teaching them our family values.
I Follow you on instagram : flaquitapm
I make life better for baby by making sure to give baby lots of love and attention.
follow you on instagram @ana_beltran_
By giving her all my love and attention!
In order for you to do #BetterforBaby you must take care of yourself first physically and emotionally because your child depends on you to care and nurture them.
I can make life #BetterforBaby by choosing healthy food options!
I would make more natural foods #betterforbaby!
I think the best thing you can do is spend time with your baby. They grow so fast that you don’t want to miss a moment.
I make life better for my baby by spending quality time with him and each of his siblings every day, I also co-sleep and babywear, call me crunchy but that is what works for us and keeps everyone feeling happy, loved and secure!
I can make life better for baby by reading to baby for at least 20 minutes a day. I have done this will all of my kids and they grown up learning to love to read. 🙂
Eating healthier foods especially organic ones and making home made baby food
Always be there and let them make their own mistakes but be there to catch them if needed
By being more patient and present.
i try to make healthy choices and be a good role model.
Instagram follower pokergrl8
I can make life #betterforbaby by showing her love.
I’m looking forward to the arrival of baby #5 in December! He will receive lots of love and kisses!!
I cloth diaper, avoid chemicals, and only buy organic for my baby girl.
I pledge to make life #BetterforBaby by being as patient as possible with him now and as he grows into a young man as well
I make handmade hats and blankets for all my nieces, nephews, and friends’ babies.
Fresh, healthy foods and spending time outside
Putting cell phones away and just focusing on your little one! #betterforbaby
I would love to win this for my daughter
I make sure the choices I make are #Betterforbaby by taking care of myself I will be a better mother for my child.
I read to my kids to make life #BetterforBaby.
we extended breastfeed since its better for baby! 🙂
By breat feeding and feeding your baby organic fresh foods.
Quality time with baby
This would be for a my friend so she can #BetterforBaby. She’s been waiting a long time for a baby.
I will offer healthy eating choices.
Definitely give attention and naps for baby.
I can make life better for baby by always being there caring, sharing and loving him/her.
I buy educational toys or books for the babies in my life,
Whenever possible I make homemade babyfood.
I can love unconditionally.
I can make life better for baby by loving them unconditionally & making healthier food choices 🙂
I can make life better for baby by making sure baby is happy and healthy.
IG: https://instagram.com/misscalixoxo/
By showing love and being supportive as they grow and letting them be their own individual selves!
#BetterforBaby Just being there.
#BetterforBaby unconditional love; breastfeeding; making own food
By giving them unconditional love and do what ever I can for them.
I try to make all of my own baby food and I try to spend as much time playing and nurturing my little boy. I never wanted to be a parent until I was pregnant with him and I can’t imagine life without him and I can hardly believe how much I have given up for him.
With my grandkids, I do better for baby by helping out the new mom and taking them so the new parents can get a break. I also make sure they are comfortable, have what they need, and are swaddled or covered properly.
We recycle and conserve water. We also plant trees and grow a garden for fresh veggies.
I love spending as much time as possibe with my kids. Loving, laughing and enjoying life. I also love reading to them.
Not only by investing in your children, but I do a lot of earth-conscious behavior that should be taught to little ones (recycling, conserving). Not hippie stuff, but we have free recycling here in town so cost can’t be a barrier for people to not contribute.
My family could set aside a special time each day to do something fun with the baby together!!
I can make it better by being present for them.
I read to him and snuggle him every night.
I make her life better by showing her how proud I am of her and how wonderful she is and of course, lots of love.
I try to breast feed for as long as I can.
I make life #BetterforBaby by reading every night and vowing not to start him on a life of junkfood or soda
Lots of hugs
Lots of snuggles and love. 🙂
I make life #betterforbaby by teaching my little ones about Jesus 🙂
I can make life better for baby by increasing my recycling.
i would make it better for baby, by loving and caring for them and spending as much time as I can with the baby
I make life #BetterForBaby by going more by their schedule and relaxing and going with the flow.
I would make life #BetterforBaby by reading to her more
love, kindness and teaching for sure. thankyou, ken
Make their baby food with organics.
I will make life better for baby by loving them unconditionally.
I make life better for baby by always doing my best to keep the warm, safe fed, comfortable and very loved! 🙂
by cuddling and giving lot of kisses and hugs!
homemade baby foods from the veggie’s we grow
I make life better for my baby by using cloth diapers and breast feeding.
I can make healthy food to make life #BetterforBaby