We love a good snack mix. It’s probably a bad thing that I’m admitting to being a bit of a snacker but I’m guilty! I never really thought of myself as one but let’s just “call a spade, a spade” right? Anyhoo.. Little E has been taking this mix to pre-school since he attended a Mother’s…
That Scares Me
Last year I wanted to share some posts about stuff that freaks me out. Well you never saw those posts because something or other those posts never happened. This year.. I might be a week behind but it’s on! I won’t call this post “Shit that Scares Me“.. since you know I like to keep stuff…
Marigold Clothespin Day of the Dead Tutorial
Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico on on October 31s thru November 2. Each year Mexicans and Mexican-Americans that observe the holiday spend time thinking and celebrating their loved ones that have died. We never observed the holiday as a child, (this is gonna sound stupid but there wasn’t anyone to celebrate, everyone…