F is for Fall and a couple other things going on in my life.. Fall means getting back to fitness for me!! I was lazy, I know and I completely left the wagon late spring early summer. Summer if you recall I was back and forth visiting family. I had some blood work done and got back some not so awesome news. My fatty liver is back.. or maybe it never left.. I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver back in October 2005. Yes, it’s been that long.. My panels were normal after Aramis was born in 2006 and up until this summer the numbers are not good. I can’t blame anyone but myself. It’s not that my eating has gone to the dumps because I think I’m more aware now than I’ve ever been.
If you don’t know what fatty liver is, here’s what Google has to say:
So, I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’ve been needing to drop weight since I was born, so I’m doing it for real this time. I haven’t always been super heavy, but for my height (I’m 5,0′), I shouldn’t be carrying 190+ lbs.. Even though my body is used to it because I’ve been this weight gosh for over eight years.. Can anything be said about maintaining? Ok maybe not.. But seriously I will be sticking to a work out schedule from now on. I’m not sure how I’m going to make myself accountable just yet, but stay tuned. I’m not into doing Diet Bets like Skinny Meg and others, but I’m wondering if you want to do this with me? Maybe we should try a DietBet? I dunno.. Either way this is going to take me a year or longer. I’m willing to take my time so it’s gone forever.
I actually went to the gym and got with a personal trainer. He’s given me a workout schedule. I’ve had it since March (I know major fail, I never said I was perfect ya’ll!) and I just started back on it tonight. It’s my hope that I can do it everyday, no matter what comes up. No more excuses right?! I’ve got to get all the fried foods out of my life too. It’s going to be a process, but I’m up for the challenge. I’m going to share more stuff with you guys in the coming weeks.. No it’s nothing serious just stuff I’ve been wanting to share with you and just haven’t had time to. And it could answer some questions you might have about stuff..
Here’s a question for you:
What’s the first thing you do when you decide to get fit? Had you ever heard of Fatty Liver?
Just had a funny/dumb thought pop in my head.. F is also for Fatty Liver and how I’m going to kick it’s ass.. LOL I’m a goober.. forgive me. But I’m done with that.. seriously..
Sigh.. I am reading this as I’m eating a fistful of peanut butter M&M’s. Life is so busy – it’s so hard to stay on track. I tried a DietBet once, and did O.K., but didn’t get my photos and such in on time… just always soo busy!
I think a personal trainer who will stay on me would be a good idea..but again TIME! I’ve actually started thinking about cutting out a lot of my blogging and sweeps and concentrating on my health for awhile..its about time!