Disclosure: I am a Smooth Fitness blogger. I received product for review, however all opinions are my own.
It’s been a hell of a past couple weeks and to be honest, I know it’s wreaked havoc on my body. Lately I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off.. I think that’s how all moms feel at one point or another.. whether they stay at home or not. We have been really busy with the boy’s activities and of course having lots of fun along the way. Who gets left behind? Mom, of course! Sometimes I honestly don’t know if it’s morning or night. Just an example, yesterday Ezra woke up at 4am. He goes to Mother’s Day Out Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. since he woke up so early I knew he would be tired after picking him up from Mother’s Day Out. Little did I know or what to realize how tired I would be as well..
Aramis totally took my picture while I was snoozing. LOL I was so tired. One of the things that has been on hold is riding my Smooth Fitness Velocity Series V350 Indoor cycling bike. If you follow me on Instagram you saw the picture of my ankle in a gel cast. But seriously when I woke up and looked at my watch it said 6:15.. and I couldn’t figure out if it was morning or night! LOL I had Aramis getting dressed for school and then come to find out it was 6:15 in the evening.. What a goober!
I thought I had twisted my ankle and almost three weeks later the swelling was not going down so I went to the doctor and low and behold.. it’s a Grade 3 sprain. Thank goodness it wasn’t fractured, but a sprain has definitely put my spinning/ any exercise time down to a minimum. I’m not happy and in conjunction to everything else I’m afraid it’s also made me a little gloomy.
Attitude is everything right? I’m working on it. And I’m glad that my ankle is almost better too. Because I’m ready to ride again!
This bad boy is getting dusted off and I’m going put some serious miles on it. I’m going to share this awesome book that my sister sent me for my birthday in my next post! It goes with using my spinning bike. Very excited!!
Do you ever feel like you don’t know what time of day it is?
I’ve had that happen to me once in my life, where I started getting ready for school at 7pm thinking it was 7am, hahaha. My whole family went along with it just for the laughs 😉