My Love for Disney goes back to my childhood. We were lucky to be able to watch the Disney channel since I can remember. I say that, because my husband wasn’t raised with cable, so he never had a chance to watch the Disney channel. He says I’m spoiled.. I just say- “I didn’t have any control.. it just was!” LOL Thank God!
I can’t imagine life being any different, than waking up and watching the –now classic, Disney cartoons and dreaming of the day we’d get to go to Disney World. Unfortunately as a child, we never got the trip to Disney World we yearned for. But that’s ok, it made me appreciate it so much more as an adult.
My first trip to Walt Disney World, was thanks to my sister. They were stationed in Tampa, FL and we had the chance to take a day trip to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. I was in heaven- on earth! To actually see the theme park in person was something like I never imagined. Only on television had I seen Cinderella’s Castle, the Tea Cups, It’s a Small World, the Electric Parade and don’t even get me started on the fireworks that night.
I’m not going to lie.. I’m sure I cried while watching the fireworks spectacular. It’s absolutly breathtaking!! Luckily no one noticed..
Fast forward a few years later and we too were stationed in Tampa. Unfortunately our trips to Disney were few and far between but we were closer to the magic than ever and I loved it! When we couldn’t go to a park we would hit up Downtown Disney and I was very lucky to have won family passes to the Disney Water parks one summer! We frequented Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach. Another “dream” come true. I can still see the hoopla on the Disney channel surrounding the building then opening of the Disney water parks. Seeing it in person was surreal.
And unlucky for me, I never braved taking my cell phone into the water park so I don’t actually have many pictures of us there. Only the memories in my head. again heaven! We loved Blizzard Beach, but our favorite of the both was Typhoon Lagoon. We would spend hours in the wave pool. Aramis was only 3 so we couldn’t exactly take him down many of the slides. But he loved it too. Wonderful Memories.
But you know what? I look forward to making even more memories with my loves and my beloved Disney. I’ve told the hubs that once Ezra gets a little bit bigger, I want a full fledged Disney vacation like everyone takes. And maybe God willing we will make it to California one day and visit Disneyland as well. Don’t even worry.. if we get stationed overseas.. Oui.. we will visit Disneyland Paris!!
What’s your favorite Disney memory?
I am obsessed with Disney. We take the kids to Disney World every year and last year we were able to sneak in a trip to Disney Land in addition. I was so happy.
That is so cool to do annual trips to Disney!! I’m a little jelly.. Robin!! 🙂
I think my favorite Disney memory is taking my daughter and niece to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party a few years ago…it was the last year that she was really a child, you know? I love that we spent it at Disney!
Awww! I don’t even want to think about when the boys growing up! Let alone too big for Disney! 🙁
My favorite Disney memory was taking my daughter for the first time two Christmas seasons ago. I loved seeing her reaction to just about everything from the characters to the holiday parade with fake snow. We had a full four days that were packed with fun. I can’t wait to take her back and do it all over again!
What a wonderful memory Jessica!!
When I was younger you had to pay for the magical Disney channel which was awful! Whenever we got it for free I’d be glued to it!!
Isn’t that crazy! 🙁
I went to Disney World twice as a child, and I cannot wait to take my two sons! We are going to wait until the baby is older so they can both enjoy it. My favorite Disney memory would be the trips — though now we are making our own as we introduce all of the Disney movies to our little ones.
Kecia that’s what we are doing too. I can’t wait!! It’s the best when they are old enough and tall enough to ride the rides and get the full experience.
I remember traveling to Disney World as a teen with a large group of extended family. Uncles, Aunts, Cousins young and old. I had a GIGANTIC video camera and I walked around all day filming my search for Mickey “documentary” and interviewing random people in the park LOL! Once in a while someone will break the old video out and we’ll have a good laugh.
Oh I bet that video is priceless!! What a fabulous memory!
We didn’t have the Disney Channel when I was growing up. I did watch a lot of them with my children!
Love that we can all watch with our kids now 🙂
I loved going to Disney at a kid, but NOTHING is like watching your kids at Disney for the first time. Especially my son who actually got to go on HIS birthday! The excitement was just too cute, I felt so blessed to be able to take them!
i think going with my own kids for the first time was my favorite. it just took my breath away. and i cried
A girl after my own heart! I cry during the fireworks, too. The Illuminations Parade music from Epcot can get me even if I’m in the shower… I start boo hooing!
I’ve been to Disneyland but I was very little so I don’t remember it. I would like to take my girls when they get a little older and make some new memories!
My house looks like it was sponsored by Disney. There are Disney costumes, dolls, toys, sheets, pajamas, etc. all over the house. I have so many found memories of Disney and know my kids will too!
How very cool Mickey!!! I bet your house is amazing!!
We just went to Disney World for the first time this past fall. It was all of our first time to Disney World! I’ve been to Disneyland, but not the other coast before. I LOVED Animal Kingdom!!
I love Disney and I crave Disney vacations! I think my favorite Disney memory besides seeing each of my kids see the castle for the first time was the year we lived in Orlando and had annual passes and went almost weekly!
Oh, Disneyland Paris would be fun! We love Disney and visit WDW each year. I have so many great memories but I loved seeing my son’s face during his first trip.
My favorite Disney memory was taking our oldest son when he was almost 3. He had so much fun and did not want to leave.
Aww! So cute!! I think even adults don’t want to leave sometimes!! LOL
I have never been to Disney. We were hoping to go this spring but now I have to buy my husband a new car instead.
I was just talking about Disney with a friend of mine today. We have not taken our boys yet as they just turned 5 & 2. We’re going to wait until our little one is a bit older. I will never forget going as a child myself. My favorite parts were Goofy serving me hot chocolate and visiting all the nations of Epcot Center.
What a wonderful memory!! I’ve never been to Epcot 🙁 Yeah our 2 yr old would not make it or enjoy it.
It is nice to have memories we can share with our children. It is nice when our children want to create memories similar to ours.
i’ve been there once, by myself. It was nice but I have not big desire to go back, My kids haven’t even expressed an interest. They’d rather go to a beach.
I really don’t have a disney memory…but my kids love disney and we hope to take them there when they’re older!
You’ll make lots then 🙂
I love Disney and grew up with some of the great Disney movies. As a matter of fact my sister and I will still call or text each other quoting Lion King or the Little Mermaid lol.
Aww that’s so cool Cassie!
I have so many memories like you do and I’m not sure I can pick one. I do remember the excitement in my kids’ eyes as they rode the monorail for the first time.
Oh the monorail.. that anticipation of arriving to the magical place on earth 🙂 and then the drag of a trip back along with the thousands of folks leaving the park.
So many people love Disney. I have been one time in my life, I wanted my kids to have gone by now, but sadly that isn’t going to happen. Disney in Florida is a 24 hour drive, without stops. I think we will wait and hope to afford it later in life. Or maybe experience it with our grandkids as these days, unless we get an all expense paid trip my children will not be experiencing this til their later in life years. I do enjoy seeing what everyone loves about Disney!!
We only went because we were stationed near there.. I totally understand. Hey sign up for Disney trip sweepstakes! I have so many friends that have won trips!! 🙂
I’ve been in love with Disney since I was just small; probably since our first trip (that my parents won) when I was 6. It’s hard to pick one favorite memory. The year that my parents, brothers, aunt, uncle, cousins, Gram, and Gramp all went for a week to celebrate my college graduation was pretty awesome. And spending the day at Animal Kingdom with my now-husband for our 1st Valentine’s Day was really great, too.
I’m obsessed with Disney as I’m sure you know! My favorite memories are all of them but I especially had a blast taking the kids for the first time and watching their faces
I think part of what makes disney so wonderful is that it allows us to believe in magic again. As children it captivates us and allows our wildest dreams to come true. As adults it takes us back to simpler times.
I am a huge fan of Disney too. I remember going to Disney for the first time with my grandparents, mom and uncle who was in the navy. I remember he wore his sailor suit to Disney and I have pictures of us riding the Dumbo ride! I remember the light show back then too, so magical!
I love OLD SCHOOL Disney – Disney these days, not so much! The original movies and characters – I am obsessed 🙂 And I have been to Disneyland a few times in the past few years and every time I set foot into the park, I turn into a 5 year old!! It’s amazing 🙂 All of my worries VANISH!
I agree GiGi. There’s just something about the Classics! I think that’s the only way to truly enjoy Disney. Allow yourself to just be a kid again. So much fun!