Did you know there is an Order of Military Flags? I had no idea. My husband knew, obviously but I had no idea! This weekend we took my parents sight-seeing and headed out to Fort Chadbourne in the outskirts of Bronte, Texas. I’ll be doing some Wordless Wednesday posts so you can see the amazing pictures we took. Also as part of Military Appreciation Month, I wanted to share more Military related posts.
This beautiful arrangement was in one of the rooms of the Fort Chadbourne museum.
This is the chart in the picture above. It explains the placement and order of Military flags.
Pretty neat right? I learned a lot during our visit to Fort Chadbourne. I love going to museums and taking the boys so that they get a glimpse of history. I’m happy to be able to share these awesome adventures with you!
Interesting. My brother probably knows this stuff, since he’s in the Air Force, but it’s neat to learn something new.
I am sure my husband, who is a retired AF vet knows all this stuff 🙂
I had no idea, and I should have. My Dad was in the Navy my entire childhood. Oh well, I know now. I love knowing little tidbits of information like this.
I didn’t realize there was an order. I’m sure my nephew who is a Marine knows!
I had NO idea there was an order of flags either. My dad and brother are both Marines and this is the first I’d heard of it. I’m sure that THEY know it though. Very cool…and interesting.
I had no idea there was an order. I am also Canadian, so I think that gives me a little leeway to not know, haha 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I did know b/c I live in a military town. Though I admit I didn’t know what the order is!
Wow. I never realized that there was a specific order. Neat bit of knowledge
I had no idea! Thanks for teaching me something new! 🙂
I had no idea either. We don’t have anybody in any of the services in our family, so I don’t think I would have ever been taught that.
i had no idea. but i mentioned this to an ex marine and i got a whole lesson on military flags 🙂
I did not know they had a specific order. I will be sure to share this knowledge with my boys, since they will think that is cool.
Oh this is interesting I had no idea! From Canada though but still interesting to know!
I had no idea that there was an order to the flags. So interesting to find out!
I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t know either. Thanks for the knowledge!
I did know this, but only because my brother is in the Coast Guard. I’m proud that it’s included here!
I knew there was an order but didn’t know what order it went in. So I was half way there! 🙂
I actually knew about this! Of course, having a dad that retired from the army probably gave me an advantage on this one.
No! I had no idea what order. I assumed there was some reason for placement but was never really aware!
I didn’t know this, but this is awesome, and when our church recognized Veterans just a few months ago they did it in this order – no wonder! You learn somethin’ new everyday!
I actually knew this! My grandfather was a veteran, so between the many VFW events and years of scouts, it’s one of those little facts I just know.
I actually did not know that. Very timely for Memorial Day!
This is super interesting. I didn’t know this! Thanks for sharing this post, I enjoyed learning about this.
It makes sense there would be, since there are so many rules with flags. This is neat info!
This is great to know. I had no idea about the rules and order with the flags
I had no idea about the flag order either! What a really neat thing to learn about 🙂
Is there a reason that they are in the order that they are? Of course there is an order! Nothing in the US Military is left to chance! OORAH!
I remember they needed to be carried in a certain order when my son was in Boy Scouts, so I suppose I should have known this. I’m glad you shared!
I had no idea! My brother is in the Army so I probably should have known this!
Hmm. You learn something new every day. I knew nothing about the order of the flags. I’m sure my husband does. He was in ROTC in high school.
I never knew this! ANd i have lots of family in the military…hmm learn something new!
No I didn’t know. Thanks for sharing the info!
I had no idea there was an order they had to be in. Thanks for sharing.
I had no idea there was an order to military flags. Great info to know!
Nope I had no idea there was an order to the flags. Good to know!
I had no idea. I bet you and your boys had a great time. My boys would have loved to learn new things as well.
I did not know that. That is so neat! I love that you’re doing a series of posts. Can’t wait for the next one.