I think so! I first did Step Areobics about 10 years ago. Gosh saying 10 years ago kind of makes me feel old. Ok I’m only 32- I’m not old. I have mixed feelings about Step areobics, it’s a great workout but it makes me so sore. No pain, no gain right? I def feel it.
The Y that I’m a member offers the class several times a week. I decided- ok I’m going to give it a go and just do it. I mean I’ve done it before, it’ll be fine. It’s just a plastic step! aka tripping mechanism. Wow the Step totally took my breath away! It was amazing! Unfortunately I missed the next couple of weeks due to a sinus infection and “baby sabotage”. Yes, you read that right- “baby sabotage”. E’s nap schedule is out of whack so I go workout when he’s awake. Is that bad? He totally nixes my plans be working out or going shopping- it happens.
I was able to make it back this week and boy am I totally feeling the love from Robyn (instructor) a day later! Which I must tell you I’m going back today for more torture. Love it! NOT!
We used the bar to do some arm work and then afterwards we did abs. Oh abs how I loathe thee.. I’ve had 2 c-sections so my abs are not strong. But I’m working on them. We used the excercise balls, which I love because you can’t cheat yourself. Did some planks, push-ups and roll-outs on it.
(Thank you for keeping me honest-balls)
By the end of the class I had burned 543 calories in 50 minutes. I’d say that’s a successful class. I plan to continue going to this class because the instructor is so inspiring and a great person. She has an awesome weight-loss story. Hopefully with her help I too will have an awesome weight-loss story one day soon.
If you’ve noticed my green button on my site- I am a member of the Mamavation Sistahood. Mamavation is a awesome online community that helps motivate women to work towards a healthier life for ourselves and our families. Each Monday I will have a post dedicated to my progress. I hope that in every post I will be able to announce weight loss, but if that’s not the case I will be ok with it. It took time to gain it so it will take time to loose it. I just have to be patient.
For more information about Mamavation you can visit Mamavation and join the Sistahood. You will be so glad you did.
Right now I am participating in the Mamavation 2 Week Challenge- This is week two and I’m happy to announce that after one week I dropped 4lbs.
I remember doing step arobics in class i always thought t was easy cause you just remembered what steps to take in the routine.
Thanks for commenting Lorrie!
The steps get confusing to me sometimes and I have to stop and watch her first! LOL But I feel it so I’m going to keep going back.
It’s great to hear that Mamavation really helps! In just the two days that I’ve been wrnkiog towards pledgling I’ve already felt more supported. I’ve also been buzzing around the mamavation blogosphere supporting other moms. It’s great! Husbands! Ah! LOL I’m off to follow you on twitter now! ~ Angela
Hi Angela!
Mamavation is a great support system. Welcome!! 🙂
I just wanted to stop by to look at your new design. Nice! XXOO
Thank you Leah! Means the world to me. 🙂
Still a work in progress- but I’m so glad Anjanette helped me out.
I had to do Pilates to recover from my c-section. I couldn’t do a decent roll up for about 4 months! But now it’s the one class I won’t ever miss.
You know they don’t have a Pilates class here at this Y.. I wonder why. I need to get back to it.. I can’t even do a roll up.. and it’s been a year since my c-section. You go girl!!
I’ve just started trying Yoga as I have bad knees and weak lungs, I’ll see how it goes 🙂 Step Aerobics sounds too far out of my comfort zone for now!