Disclosure: *There is a referral link at the bottom of the post*
You know I’m a foodie and if you’ve been around here a little while you know that I love my television too. A self proclaimed TV junkie I stay up watching television or when the hubs is away like to engage in television show marathons. Surely I’m not the only one right? 😉 The fall and spring are my busy television watching season. Some of my favorite shows from the regular television season include but are not limited to: Scandal, Grimm, Empire, all of the Real Housewives on Bravo and other shows on Bravo.. So while all of my regularly scheduled programs are on break for summer so here comes the summer tv to keep me company. Here’s what I’m watching: The Summer 2015 Edition!
Orange is The New Black
Alex and the crew are back on Netflix for Season three. I have been slow to watch the latest season, due to everyone’s not so stellar reviews on Facebook. I’m actually watching it as I write this. So the jury is still out on my opinion of OITNB so far. I’ll update once I’m done. So far.. episode three.. it’s ok. Nothing that is keeping me up at night. (And you guys know I’m a night owl!)
The Whispers
The Whispers on ABC is Mondays, 10/9 C. I actually watch it on Hulu. I was very happy to see Milo Ventimiglia on the show. I miss him from Heroes! Did ya here Heroes is coming back?! Yep. I’m excited.. anyways, The Whispers. When I saw the previews for it was a little weirded out. Maybe a little spooked, I tend to be a scaredy cat so those types of shows don’t really get my attention. But I started watching it one night and I’m hooked. I’m not going to give anything away, but let’s just say I’m glad the boys never had imaginary friends.. for long…. o_O.
Wayward Pines
Here’s another kinda scary show that has me hooked! This is the Summer of Scary if you ask me! LOL Wayward Pines I feel started off kind of confusing, and now I know what’s up. The characters are super shady and I was so excited to see Terrence Howard until I realized what a dick he is.. (sorry if that offends anyone. That’s just what I thought about him.) The storyline continues to get better and I can’t wait to see what happens and if you didn’t know it’s directed by one of my favorite twisty-turn scary movie directors M. Night Shyamalan!
Devious Maids
The ladies are back and I’m still trying to catch up. I missed the first couple of episodes and can’t seem to find them anywhere. I watched the last couple episodes of last season so I’d know what’s kinda going on. I’m not sure what threw me off last season but it’s definitely a show I enjoy. There was a lot of online discussion about this show when it first started because the maids were all Latinas. One of the shows characters is no longer a maid, (Marisol is the educated one that was actually just being a maid to get information to clear her son.) she’s a wealthy lady but is still close with the other maids. Anyways, I’m keeping a close eye on Lifetime as the summer heats up with the Devious Maids.
Big Brother
This has been a summer tradition for me for a few years now. Sadly I can’t get my tv watching time to coincide when its on. We skipped the DVR when we got our cable subscription this move so I’m reading up on what’s going on via social media and blog posts. Hopefully I can get back into before the season ends.
Grace and Frankie
Grace and Frankie is a Netflix original show. I loved it too! Hollywood legends Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are some cheeky ladies and adding Martin Sheen and Law and Order veteran Sam Waterston are fabulous as a gay couple. I know it’s gotten a lot of great reviews. I can’t wait for season two and see what happens with the wedding.
Real Housewives of Orange County & Real Housewives of New York
My girl Bethenny is back on RHONY, yes I’m totally Team Skinnygirl. I would love to meet her in person one day. Anyways.. I’ll stop with the Bethenny loving already. In all seriousness, I have been a Real Housewives fan for a long time. The ladies truly are my guilty pleasure and I’m not embarrassed to say I watch those shows. Andy Cohen is a genius. #justsaying LOL If you like to watch these shows let me know so that we can gab Housewives!!! I love the ladies in the OC, I think the addition of Meghan was pretty good too. She’s younger, but she’s definitely starting up some drama and I’m so glad that Heather is still there. She’s so freaking cute. Anyhoo.. enough crushing on the housewives…
Thanks to Hulu, I’ve actually already seen the whole season. Aquarius stars David Duchovny on NBC and it’s a great summer thriller. If you are watching it, don’t stop it just gets better. I’m actually wondering how long the show will run and if it will get into the Sharon Tate murder.. were you wondering the same thing? Can’t wait for season 2.
You can watch Aquarius, Wayward Pines, and The Whispers on HULU. Lucky for you, you can use this >>link << and try it out for a week! It’s my referral link so if you choose to sign up for Hulu I receive 2 weeks for free. If you decide to stay with Hulu you can share your referral link with your friends and also get free weeks. It ends with you, I don’t get anything else from more sign up etc. If not you can totally just go to Hulu.com and sign up on your own. No bigs. 🙂 Orange is the New Black is on Netflix.
I hope that you can catch a few of these shows this summer or add them to your must watch list.
I need to catch a few of these. We just finished Bloodline which we absolutely loved and we can’t wait for Ray Donovan. There are just so many great shows out there now.
Orange is the new black is my favorite! Many of those I have been wanting to watch but haven’t. Since I just finished watching Hart of Dixie I am going to check out your options for something new!
“The Whispers” and “Wayward Pines” are two of our favorites. I love mystery/thrillers, and both of these do a great job of keeping me guessing.
I’ve never been a TV watcher but all this buzz about OITNB makes me wonder what I’m missing. I might have to use your list to find a new show to watch.
Big Brother is a summer favorite! My new favorite summer show is UnREAL on Lifetime.
I need to catch up some of the current shows… seems like everyone else watches these and talk about them but I am a bit clueless. When our kids are at the grandparents I will have to tune in and catch up!
Clearly I’m missing out on a bunch of new shows. I did watch a few episodes of Grace and Frankie on Netflix though!
These all sound like great shows. I just started watch Orange Is The New Black.
Wayward Pines looks like a really good show. A rainy day would be a perfect time to veg out and watch all of the episodes.
I’m watching Flipping Out and Real Housewives! I’m a Bravo addict!
I didn’t know Big Brother was still on. I saw that one years ago!! I guess it has staying power. 🙂
I Love Grace and Frankie, I watched the whole season in one weekend. What a good show. I am missing Big Brother. We dont have cable, only netflix so I’m sad to be missing. This is the first season I’ve ever missed.
I should have some more free time next week since my kids will be away at camps during the day. Can’t wait to catch up with my favorite shows and check out new ones.
I just finished Orange is the New Black and i loved it. I can not wait for season four now. I will have to check out The Whispers.
I loved the new season of Orange is the New Black. I feel like the character development was really good in this season.
Summer is a slow TV season as I’m out most of the day and evenings, but Empire is definitely one of my favorite shows. I also watch Game of Thrones, and recently lost one of my faves Nurse Jackie. I started Wayward Pines and The Whispers but got bored, tried Extant and I can take it or leave it for some reason, surprising because I really like Halle.
There are some great shows out right now – I love Wayward Pines and the Whispers. Both are great.
Im still catching up with Orange is the New Black. I need to find some new shows to watch so thanks for this list!
I can not recommend Wayward Pines enough! My husband and I love it! And I couldn’t find anyone watching it… glad you are! People need to watch it. I’m also liking The Whispers and BB is my guilty pleasure. 🙂
I’m such a TV junkie too. I just finished Orange is the New Black and am looking for another show to get into so I’m excited to try one on your list.
I have already finished OITNB. Now I am catching up on the Housewives also. I love Bethenny too, I would love to meet her. She seems like she would be so fun to hang with!
Right! I think she’s the bomb! Love her!
I love Orange is the New Black! I really wanna see Wayward Pines.
I’ll be watching OITNB season 3 soon. Gracie and Frankie sounds interesting.