Did you set any New Year resolutions this year? To be completely honest I did not. Every year it’s the same goal, get healthy. And you know we are pretty healthy thank God. We make changes throughout the year by incorporating good food choices so that our children also follow suit. This post is sponsored by CVS but all statements and opinions mentioned are my very own. Thanks to their new store brand foods and snacks it’s the New Year and time to find your healthy with CVS! Just because we are already rolling into February, that doesn’t mean we can’t still make “New Year” goals! We have to keep the healthy talk going!
Back in September I attended Type-A conference in Atlanta and learned about the CVS brand products that were made with healthy in mind! CVS brand Abound/ Gold Emblem is a healthy alternative at great prices! I was super excited at all of the products they had and they didn’t have everything on hand. From small packages of raw almonds, packages of yogurt dipped pretzels, popcorn and sweet snacks. Super impressed with the range of delicious choices!
I have been an Extra Care member for a very long time, it’s one of my favorite rewards programs among others. Are you an Extra Care card holder? Ok you need to click right HERE.
Before our road trip to Texas the boys and I went shopping at our local CVS/ pharmacy to stock up on snacks for our trip. I told them to pick healthy snacks so that we would have good snacks for our trip. They were super excited and ready to shop!
As you can see we grabbed a lot of CVS brand products because you know it’s a great price and delicious! There was a great assortment of items from the Gold Emblem/ Abound brand, most of which are organic and healthy. Big plus for this mom! I am constantly trying to instill healthier eating habits with our boys. You know they can be so picky and all. I have to say my favorite snacks were a puffed rice chips! I love crunchy snacks! Ezra ran for the popcorn! of course! We love popcorn! and the Dark Chocolate trail mix was AWESOME!!
The snacks we picked up at CVS were great on our road trip home and they continue to be what we have in our home. Aramis and the hubs went camping and they went back to CVS and picked up our favorite trail mix, lots of nuts and of course popcorn!
I LOVE CVS and I LOVE chocolate. Hershey’s, Nestles, Cadbury Cream it’s all good 🙂
I like to pick up trail mix at CVS. I am an ExtraCare card holder.
I am a CVS card holder. I really like their trail mixes and raw almonds.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I am not a card holder but I like their trail mixes and nuts
I like to pick up granola bars and mixed nuts at CVS. Yes I am a card holder.
I buy chips and drinks on my break from work at CVS. I am a card holder.
I like shopping for make up there. Always a good sale.
Yes I’ve been an extra care card holder for ages! I love the nuts, I get both planters and the cvs brand, also goldfish, cereal, the cranberry juice, ritz, pretzels, NUTELLA, there’s so much to buy 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
I always pick up some gummy snacks and beauty products! I am a cardholder there so I am always saving money shopping there!
Picked up some mixed nuts today. Yes, I’m a card holder.
I loved to snack on pretzels from CVS, I also love their popcorn
I have an Extracare card. I like to get gummies at CVS.
––––––– my fave snacks to pick up at cvs are sour patch watermelon & swedish fish
i am currently an extracare card holder . gotta love those extra bucks !
thank you for the chance ! 😀
I always buy my gum and make up products at CVS. I don’t normally buy a lot of snacks there, but since they’ve added to their line, I’m really looking forward to trying some of the new products. I am an extra care card holder! Is there any other way to shop at CVS?! They have such an awesome rewards system.
We always get are trail mix at cvs and yes I am a card holder.
We love getting ice cream & chips there & yes, I am a card holder. I’m in CVS constantly 🙂
I’m not an extracare card holder. I stop at the CVS near my daughter’s school often, and get snacks for her class. I usually buy rice krispie treats because some of the kids have gluten sensitivity.
We love their new line of healthy Abound snacks. So many delicious varieties to choose from! Yes, we always use our extracare card to save money.
I do have an Extra Care card. My favorite snacks to pick up are Blue Diamond Almonds and chips.
I never plan to buy snacks at CVS but always seem to every time Ingo anyway. We usually end up leaving with a candy each. I do have their card
I love to buy Pringles and Reese’s! I’m definitely an extra care member!
My favorite snacks to get at CVS are peanuts, almonds, & JIf Peanut Butter! Yes, I am an EXTRACARE CARD HOLDER!
I have AN EXTRACARE CARD HOLDER. We love Ice Cream so we always pick some up at CVS
I love the gold emblem nuts & chips.
I am a CVS card holder and love their Gold Emblem snacks, particularly the honey-roasted cashews,
I love their deals on candy. There’s always something on sale!
Pretzels and popcorn! Yes I have a card!
I like getting some nuts, chocolates and chips for snacks. I am a CVS card holder. Thanks!
I always shop at CVS for medicines, snacks and soda pop. They are great for many household items. My favorite is Muncho’s potato chips which you cannot find anywhere else anymore for some reason.
I like their raspberry creme cookies the best. I also like their trail mix.
I am an extra care card holder. I like to go to cvs for holiday candy. I also like the cvs brand candy bags. its a great assortment and a great price. thanks
Well I’m not particular just any chocolates I see really. 😀 I am not a card holder currently!
I’m an Extra Care Card member and I like the Gold Emblem trail mixes and mixed nuts.
I always pick up the kids snacks at CVS. They like chips, popcorn, and cookies. I get M&Ms for myself. I am not a card holder.
I like to get candy there. I am not a ExtraCare card holder
I was at CVS today and used my ExtraCare card. I like to pick up Pringles and chips.
I like to pick up Doritos. I am a cardholder.
Believe it or not, I love the candy orange slices you can buy & I am an extra care cardholder 🙂
yes, I am member and I pick up candy like m&ms and nuts
I like to pick up popcorn and raisins at CVS for snacking. I have a CVS Extra Care card.
I like the Gold Emblem Abound Almond & Coconut Nut Bar. I am an extracare card holder.
We don’t have any CVS stores at the moment but they are building two near me. I’m sure I’ll get their card when they open. Also I would love getting Chex Mix for snacks.
I like to buy the cvs brand chips and nuts like pistachios and cashews. I also like to pick up candy bars when they are on sale.
I love picking up nuts and chips. May not always be healthy, but I love both.
I love grabbing a candy treat like snickers or etc
I LOVE CVS and I LOVE chocolate. Hershey’s, Nestles, Cadbury Cream it’s all good
I am an extracare card holder. My favorite snacks to pick up at CVS are snickers bars and lays potato chips!
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are the favorite in our house, I am a Extra Care Card Holder
Ice Cream is my go to treat
I love salty snacks and microwave popcorn with their energy drinks.
I am a cardholder, and my favorite snack to pick up at CVS is butterfinger candy bars.
Yes I have the extracare card. My favorite snacks are chips and candy. Not healthy but a splurge
I’m a cardholder. We stopped at CVS today, and the kids got goldfish crackers. My youngest is teething a picky about her food.
My favorite snacks to pick up at CVS are mixed nuts and dried fruit. I am an ExtraCare Card Member.
I love to pick up trail mix type snacks or chocolate!
Yes, I am a CVS Card holder and I normally pick up trail mix and nuts.
I like to get protein bars and snacks. Yes I have a CVS card holder
Doritos are my favorite snack
My favorite snacks to pick up are chips at CVS.
I am an Extra Care card holder.
I am a card holder, and I get sucked in by the candy every time! Gummy worms, Cherry Sours, and the Fruit slices are my weaknesses.
Yes I have a cvs card. I like to buy the bagged candy.
Yes, I do have a card. I like to get peanuts and pretzles.
My favorite snack to pick up from CVS are the Gold Emblem Abound Freeze Dried Strawberries.
I love their Golden Emblem popcorn and chocolate covered pretzels. Yes I am a Extra Care card holder.
I love beef jerky with dill pickle chips as snack. Yes i am extra care card holder
I’m not a card holder but I love to pick up candy and chips.
Not a CVS card holder. I use CVS for quick pic up items like snacks and cards.
I am a CVS card holder and I love any chips or any candy!
I like to pick up mixed nuts and I am a cvs care card holder.
Yes I am a cardholder. I usually buy candy at CVS for my family!
I am an extra card holder. I always get my gum and coffee drinks at CVS.
I like to get trail mix and I am a card holder
I love getting pringles from there and I am a card holder 🙂
I love their almonds, thank you so much
My favorite snacks to get at CVS is CVS Brand Trail Mix and the Mixed Nuts. CVS has such great weekly specials to save me money. I’ve been a CVS Cardholder for quite a while.
I don’t eat packaged food but I do buy stuff like pistachios or almonds in a pack at CVS – I am not a card holder.
I like their cheesy popcorn.
Oh for snacks, I love to pick up their Popcorn light and their trail mixes. Their popcorn is one of our favorites! I am an Extracare card holder! Love their sales!
My favorite snacks to get are chips. I am not a card holder.
Peanuts! I’m not a card holder.
My favorite snacks to pick up at CVS are granola bars and cereal. I am a card holder!
I am a CVS ExtraCare cardholder. I buy protein bars for snacks there.
I am an extra card holder & I always buy peanut butter m & m s
My favorite snacks to pick up at CVS are CVS Gold Emblem California Pistachios Roasted & Salted With Sea Salt and CVS Gold Emblem Abound Strawberry Crisps. Yes, I’m an ExtraCare card holder.
I love to get combos and sour patch kids and peanut M&Ms.
I am a card holder!
i like to get chocolate
Yes, I have an extracare card. I like getting chocolate.
Yes I have an extracare card! I love to pick up some chocolate and peanuts at CVS.
My favorite snack to pick up are the chocolate covered gummy bears and the cherry sours and I am a card carrier.
I like to get candy from CVS. Yes, I have an extra care card.
Yes, I am an Extra Care Card holder. I like to pick up their nuts. They have good deals.
I am most certainly a card holder! My favorite snacks are trail mix and chocolates.
I like getting candy and beef jerky from CVS.
I am an extracare card holder.
I am a CVS card holder, in fact I have a $5 bonus right now.
I recently discovered a crunchy cheese snack (like Cheetos) at CVS in their 10 for $10 aisle. Good stuff.
My favorite snacks to pick up at CVS are Sunflower Seeds and Gummy Bears. I am an Extracare card holder.
My favorite snacks to pick up are granola bars and nuts. I am a CVS ExtraCare cardholder.
Crunch Bars, and yes, I’m a member.
I am a card holder. I like the sunflower seeds and granola bars.
Yes, I am an ExtraCare card holder and I love to buy Clif Bars, Sparkling water with lime essence, and pretzel crisps at CVS—thanks !
I probably have a CVS card somewhere, but I do not go there regularly for snacks or anything else.
I like granola bars !
Hands down Gummie Bears!! I have been an Extracare member for a long time. Thanks for doing this.
Don’t judge but I love Snickers and Rolos. Plus they’re by the checkout 🙂 I am a member.
Christie this is a judgement-free zone my friend! 😉 Thanks for entering!
I love to get chocolate, trail mix, & crackers!
Yes I am an ExtraCare card holder 🙂
I like picking up cases of water when it’s on sale and an occasional bag of chips or a candy bar. I am an Extra Care Card Holder.
OREOS for sure!
No i am not 🙁
i LOVE CVS!!! I go there all the time & I make sure to use my extra care card because I get great coupons! My favorite snacks to pick up are Cheez It Grooves & Grandmas Cookies!
Thank you for the chance!
I like to get Lay’s chips and no card .
Candy!! Chips!
When their brand items go on sale, we usually get their onion rings and snack mix snacks. We are card holders and love the extra bucks sales.
I do have an extra care card. My favorite snacks are anything chocolate!!
I love their mixed nuts! (And yes, chocolate!!!)
WHAT ARE YOU FAVORITE SNACKS TO PICK UP AT CVS? I like to pick up candy and popcorn! AND ARE YOU AN EXTRACARE CARD HOLDER? No, I am not. I only go every once in a while
I love getting trail mix,beef jerky, pistachios, and doritos at CVS!
Yes, I’m a CVS ExtraCare card holder. I love to buy nuts at CVS!
Nuts and fruit juice and current member
I have to have my can of Pringles when I shop at CVS! Thanks for the chance!
I like to buy the BIG sour patch kids. They are fun!
Yes, I am a CVS card holder and I love using their ECB machine for coupons. I love the chocolate Gold Emblem Cookies from CVS.
I love their mixed nuts and coffee drinks and a CVS card is a must!
I like to get candy at CVS. I am a card holder.
Yes I’m an extra care member and I love to pick up m&m’s when I stop by CVS.
Yes, I am a CVS ExtraCare card holder. I really like buying microwave popcorn at CVS!! Also get Allegra-D there, too!
I love to pick up snacks and makeup at cvs. They have a wide variety of different brands.
My CVS has the best trail mix, nuts and candy prices. I always use my card, love the bucks.
I like picking up candy. Yes I am a member.
Look Great
I generally pick up candy of various kinds, chips, cookies, or sometimes even small tubs of ice cream from CVS. I do not have Extra Care with CVS.
It’s gotta be their Doritos! And yes, we are Extracare card members. We shop at CVS all the time!
I always pick up last minute travel snacks like granola bars and trail mix.
I like to pick up some M&M’s Almond Chocolate Candies – when I visit CVS! thank you
I love getting candy at CVS and yes I am a card holder.
I always get my tortilla chips and salsa at CVS. It’s a short walk away so I go there all the time, and I have an Extra care card!
Almost embarrassred to admit, Just the Basics Onion Flavored Rings are pretty yummy. Plus, I always looked for marked down candy & candles.
I am not an Extra Care Card holder actually. I love getting granola bars from CVS. So tasty!
Yes and kitkats!
I am a card holder and I like to pick up gummy bears.
Yes, I have a CVS card and I get Cokes and Candy.
I buy chocolate every single time I go into cvs. I try not to, but I can’t resist.
I like protein bars and, no I’m not.
I like to buy nuts and candy bars at CVS. Usually can find good deals.
I have a CVS card and usually get my sodas and cashews from there.
I am at my Local CVS 3 to 4 times a week I fill all my RX’S There and I love those extrabucks! My favorite snacks are the 10 for $10 mixed nuts w/o peanuts and Yes I am a card holder
I like to get chips,candy and peanuts at CVS.I am a card holder
I’m crazy for CVS!! Yes I am a card holder. Nuts & candy are we pick up.
Love CVS, i would get chips and chocolate
I am a cardholder and my favorite snack to pick up are pizza/pretzel combos. My guilty pleasure.
I am and extracare card holder! You can never go wrong picking up chocolate at CVS!
Orange Slice candy!! They seem to have the best for whatever reason.
I love purchasing chocolate, popcorn, and mixed nuts at CVS. I am an extracare card holder.
I love to grab bugles, and yes I have a CVS card
I like to pick up pretzels, popcorn and chips.
I do have an extracare card. I like lots of snacks so I am always checking the weekly ad to see whats on sale and I stock up.
I do have an extracare card. Generally, I find myself getting anything chocolate.
Yes I have an extra care card… My favorite snacks are in the chocolate aisle… They are always clearancing fancy chocolates that I would never pay the full amount for!!
I have an extra care bucks card! I usually like to get M&Ms at CVS!
love the candy and cookies-i am a reward member
i buy alot of chocolates and no i’m not a card holder
I do have a cvs extracare card and I like picking up chocolate
I do have a card and I like getting candy.
I am not a cardholder but for snacks I like anything chocolate!
yogurt and granola.
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