Hey Army spouse! I’m being super hyper-focused and talking to my fellow Army spouses today. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what kind of content I’ve wanted to share for some time now and I’m finally ready to get the content written up, edited (yes I have a few already in drafts) and posted on the site. This series is called Being an Army Spouse: a series of informational posts about military life.
When I started blogging I wanted to share about the Army family lifestyle/dynamic. It’s taken me a few years to get it going, but I feel it’s the perfect time to get it going. If you are a spouse or have been, you know the struggle and I’m sure there’s a few things you wish someone would have told you or prepared you when you came into this life. Because it truly is like no other.
What do you love about military life? I can tell you that I love the comaraderie amoung spouses and the supportive community they provide. In most cases the spouses become like family, I mean we are all alone with our families so it’s nice when you meet someone that you trust and care for like family. I’ve been blessed during these last tweleve years that I’ve met several of those spouses and hope that I’ve been that spouse for fome of my friends as well.
The series of posts that will be thought provoking, informative and hopefully encouraging for all Army spouses. No offense to the other branches, if you are an Air Force, Navy or Marine spouse that would like to write for their branches please let me know, I’d love to have you write. To our friends that are Coast Guard spouses, the same goes to you. I feel like the Coast Guard gets forgotten as well as National Guard and Reserve spouses. So holler at me! I’m totally down to share their info as well. The more you know, right?! But the series will grow, because I’ve already thought of more posts to write so I’ll be adding the image above as a page where all military related posts will be found on this site.
Here’s what’s coming and I’ve linked what I have written about. Let me know your thoughts below on what you want to learn more about but haven’t thought to ask before:
- SGLI – What is it and why is it important to me?
- Do you have an Emergency Plan? Tips on how to set one up
- Why do I need to be a part of the FRG?
- What is ACS?
- Are you deployment ready?
- Living on post versus living off, which is best?
- Commissary Shopping is it really worth it?
- How does ICE work?
- How do you choose housing?
- Prepping for a PCS
This is a good list for now. If there’s anything else you are wondering about either leave me a comment down below or send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected]
Cheers to learning about this lifestyle! There are some things I’ve never cared to learn about for some reason or another (I’m sure you are in the same) so I’m glad to get the conversation going for all of us.
I have friends who are Army spouses and I know there are a lot of challenges to the Army life.
Most definitely Meredith. Would love for you to share this post with them. Thanks!
Can’t wait to read this series!
Thanks Jenah. Please check out the posts that are already linked. 🙂
Thank you for all the informative information. I’m a Navy Wife of over 21 years. Lord knows we can always use new and different ways of doing and learning how to handle or task different things that our busy Military lives bring us.
This was really helpful. i feel lost is army life all the time.
Hi Dawn, anytime you have a question feel free to send me an email! [email protected]
My husband served in the Army for 7 years and I loved how close we became with our friends that we were stationed with! It is hard being apart from our spouses, but we really did form some close relationships. It’s been almost 30 years now and we still keep in touch with some of our close friends, who became like family! I’m looking forward to reading more!!
My husband was in the Marines for many years. I think it is great that you are sharing tips and information relating to being an Army Spouse.
This sounds like an awesome book!
I am not a army spouse but I have friends that are. This is a great list of info!
I am so thankful for anyone who serves our country and their families for the sacrifices they make for all the liberties we as Americans have. Thank you for your sacrifice and please thank your husband and any family or friend that you know that is/has served us. I appreciate them so much. God bless them and keep them safe.
This is a great resource for army spouses. Thanks for sharing.
The more info a person can get, the easier army life will be.